50 pt. 2

764 42 10


It's been a while since I last updated this. A year or so, if we're keeping count. I apologize for that, a lot has happened since then. I'm not too sure what made me pick this story up again, but I'm here now. Now, on with the story!!


The green-eyed model could feel her heart stop and her mind go blank as she saw Josh and Taylor shaking hands. Or rather, she saw her boyfriend and her lover shaking hands. The last thing she expected was for this to happen. She didn't think Josh would come by, they had been arguing after all. He was supposed to stay away, at least until Taylor was gone.

'Until Taylor was gone? Kloss you can't hide her, she's not a toy. What did you think was going to happen?' The model thought, scolding herself for being so reckless.

"Hey babe, I didn't know you had guests over," The brown-haired entrepreneur said without letting go of Taylor's hand. His head didn't even move to look at Karlie. He spoke while looking directly at Taylor as if he wanted to prove something.

The singer hadn't let go either, if anything her grip tightened ever so slightly. She knew the entrepreneur wouldn't back down, so why would she?

'Fuck,' Karlie thought to herself as she watched the two seemingly locked together. Her mind scrambled for any possible way this could play out. All of them making sure to not hurt the blue-eyes singer.

It seemed as though she was the only thing on her mind. Even with her boyfriend standing before her. Even with the weight of reality crashing down on her. Karlie's thoughts all pointed to Taylor.

"I didn't know someone would be joining us," The tall blonde spoke, finally turning her head to face Karlie. Her tone was cold and challenging, but it was directed more at Josh than the model fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.

'Fuck,' Karlie thought once more. She had never heard Taylor's voice like that. The singer was normally soft spoken and gentle. This was a stark contrast, it almost frightened her. She needed to think of something; anything.

Finally, Josh turned to face her too, dropping Taylor's hand while he did. He looked oddly curious, though it wasn't meant in a nice way. Karlie was almost certain this would end in an another argument between them. Just another nail in the coffin holding their dying relationship.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think he would be stopping by. We haven't spoken a lot recently, I almost forgot he had a key," Karlie spoke while locking eyes with the blonde singer, hoping she would understand that she truly didn't mean for this to happen. Her tone was cold though, directed towards the entrepreneur.

Taylor noticed this and nodded ever so slightly as if to assure the model that it was okay; that they were okay. It was more than enough to calm down the model's rapidly beating heart.

Josh bowed his head in shame, not expecting his girlfriend to admit that. He knew she wasn't wrong, but he didn't think she would blatantly say it in front of someone else. Especially not someone like Taylor.

"Karlie, I was hoping we could maybe have some time to talk?" He said in a hopeful tone, while looking towards the model. His eyes pleaded with hers, but she was only staring at Taylor. All she saw was Taylor, it was clear to everyone in the room, whether they wanted to admit it or not.

Before Karlie got a chance to respond, Taylor was already speaking and moving along the apartment, gathering her things, "I think you should talk to him, Karls," the singer said in a soft tone moving towards the model, forgetting the unspoken battle she had going with the entrepreneur.

Her bag was already slung over her shoulder and her shoes were already being slipped on before the model realized what was happening.

"Wait, Tay, no don't go," Karlie let out in a rushed almost pleading voice. She hadn't meant for this to happen, most certainly not like this. Her hand reaching out to grab Taylor's arm to stop her. The contact causing jolts of electricity to rush through their bodies.

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