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Hange soon left (Y/N) and levi to go back to her lab for a few more test on (Y/N)'s blood, and DNA.

As hange continued her test levi sat by (Y/N) side all day and all night. Hange started worrying about levi, but he insisted that he was staying until she woke up.

'if he's staying then I can never test my newest theory, how can I get him to leave even just for a few seconds' hange thought as she walked to levi's office.

"Squad commander hange we need your help." Armin said.

"Sure thing what do you need?" Asked hange.

"Well technically we need captain levi bit no one has seen him." Whispers armin.

" Oh! Well I know were captain shorty is I'll go get him now!" Hange said excited.

'this is perfect maybe if levi leaves to deal with whatever has happened then I can take a few more measurements, and some different DNA samples from (Y/N) to see if her size has anything to do with her abilities! PERFECT!!' hange thought as she skipped into the infirmary.

"Hey captain shorty!" Hange said startling levi awake.

"What could you want now four eyes?" Asked levi.

"Well armin said that they had a problem that only you could fix, so I'm pretty sure some of your recruits started a fight." Hange said sitting on the other side of (Y/N).

" Of course they can't stay out of trouble, stay here." Levi said as he left in a foul mood.

" Sure thing" hange said with a smile.

'perfect' hange thought as she could no longer here levi's foot steps.

"Now my dear let's see if my hunch was correct" hange said as she took out a tape measure and some other tools.


After levi took care of his recruits he was on his way back to (Y/N) when he heard hange yelling.

Levi was in a panick thinkging something happened to (Y/N), and before any other thought crossed his mind his hand was on the infirmaries door handle, and he was out of breath.

Levi opened the door and saw (Y/N) awake and hange freaking out AGAIN.

(Y/N) looked over at the door after hearing it open.

"Levi." (Y/N) sighed.

"Huh!" Hange was surprised to see levi back so soon.

"What is going on here?" Levi demanded.

"Well-" (Y/N) started but was interrupted by hange.

" Oh, nothing levi I was just so happy that (Y/N) woke up was all." Hange said in a rush.

Levi rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Get out four eyes, now." Levi said as he approached (Y/N).

"Sure thing!" Hange said bounding out of the he small room.

"I'm glad you're awake." Whispered levi.

"Yeah...me too..." (Y/N) said with a dazed look in her eyes.

Sweet bread *Levi Ackerman x curvy reader*Where stories live. Discover now