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Small key here:
(Y/F/I)- your first initial.
(Y/L/I)- your last initial.

The Difference Between Dreams And Reality:

Black. Nothingness. A large void. That's where (Y/N) was. She felt weightless, and yet heavy at the same time.

"Were am I?" She asked.

"YoU'Re iN tHe deEPesT ParT Of YOuR owN MiNd"  came a voice.

" What do you mean, were are you" (Y/N) asked desperately looking around.

"I aM EveRyWHerE yoU aRE, AnD eveRyWhEre YOu wIlL EvER go" the voice said.

"Who are you and what do you want!?" (Y/N) yelled now getting into a defensive stance.

"TheRE IS no nEeD To Be SO DefEnSiVE, THe ANswEr Is sImPLe My NAMe IS T-(Y/F/I)-(Y/L/I), ANd I aM YoU. " The voice said.

" What do you mean your me you can't be me, I'm me, aren't I? " (Y/N) whispered.

As (Y/N) was whispering to herself a white light temporarily blinded her, when she was able to see again she was meet with a giant Titan.

"You, you look just....."

"Just LIke YOu? WeLl I WOulD HoPe SO I Am YOu AFtEr AlL."

" You, you're my Titan form you really are me so, what does this mean. "

" It MEaNs YOu anD I NEeD To HAve a LoNG TALk about THiS caPTaIn OF OUrs. "

" Ours? " Asked (Y/N)

" YEs OUrS, AnD THat'S WerE wE StArT. " T-(Y/F/I)-(Y/L/I) said. Laying down on there stomach watching and waiting for (Y/N) reaction.

" I won't get any answers if I don't stay, so let's start talking, I guess." Said (Y/N) sitting down across from her own titan self.

Levi had returned back to his office after him, Erwin, and hange had told the cadets that they were in fact keeping (Y/N) around.

*The cadets took that better then anyone could have ever expected.* Levi thought amused.

"But how are we going to handle your shifting problem I wonder." Levi thought out loud.

Meanwhile he was unaware of the deep conversation you were having with yourself.

"So what you're telling me is that, when Levi first came into the bakery you, er I, WE imprinted on him?" You asked your somewhat friendly titan self.

" YEs, ThAT Is WhY I COmE OUt WheN HE apPEarS to Be iN daNgER." Said your titan self.

"Ok, but I have a couple more questions. What is imprinting, and why do you kill our comrades as well as other titans?" You asked trying to get as much information as possible.

*Maybe if I figure out more about myself it could help everyone a bit more too.* You thought.

"ImPrINTinG IS WHeN A TITan ChOOsEs aNothEr TO CAlL OUr OwN. ONCe WE ImPrINT oNtO THeM We DO noT iMPrinT aGAiN."

" So it's like marriage, but for titans?"

"HeHEheH, YEs. NOw, tHE rEaSOn WHy I kiLl AlL wHo ARe arOuND OUr CAPtaiN iS BeCAUsE EVEryOnE iS sEen As A THrEaT TwoRDs HIm. oNlY wHEN He CaLlED OUt To Us DiD I REGisTeR THat hE wAS NO LOnGEr IN dANGer."

"That surprisingly makes sense. So how do I keep you calm? Because we can't go around killing everyone, we'll be killed, if we aren't already." You said now standing up and passing back and forth.

"SIMplE KEeP LEvI NeAr US at ALl TImeS, I wILl KnOW hE iS sAFe ANd YOu mAY StaY IN CONtrOl. IF FoR aNY reASoN He IS iNJuReD OR No LOnGer NEaR US I wILl TAKe OvEr, ANd FInd HiM, NO mAttEr WhO I kIlL."

"Ok that seems fair. Thank you, I appreciate all of this."

"IT iS Not A PRoBlEM, NOw YoU neeD To WAke Up anD reLay AlL oF tHiS TO THem, BEfOrE THey STarT TO WoRrY."

" Your Right, thank you again." You say as your titan self stands and another blinding white light engulfs you.

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