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The Discussion And Decision:

Levi had tied (Y/N)'s horse to his and placed her in front of himself on his own horse.

The ride back to HQ was silent. The cadets that were left were to afraid to tell there captain to leave her behind, bit they were to scared of her to ride close to there captain.

~Time Skip To HQ~

When everyone finally got back the cadets went to there respected rooms. However Levi took (Y/N) to his office that is also a conjoined bedroom. He laid her down in his bed and decided to write a report of the incident the had taken place during there mission to pass the time.

It had been a few hours, and Levi noticed (Y/N) mumbling about something, so he walked over to her to see if she was awake.

When Levi looked at her he noticed the she was still asleep, but sweating and tossing around in his bed.

*I have to go get Hange immediately, something could be seriously wrong with her.* Levi thought as he ran down the hallway twords hange's lab.

"Hey four eyes something's wrong wit-" Levi cut himself off when he saw Erwin sitting and talking with Hange.

"Something's wrong with what Levi?" Asked Erwin.

*Should I tell him or... No I have to Hange may be the only person that can help her.* Levi weighed his options and decided (Y/N)'s health was more important.

"(Y/N), something's wrong with (Y/N)." Levi said.

Hange didn't say anything she simply grabbed a few things and left twords her cabin.

"She won't be there, she's in my office." Levi said leading the way.

The short walk was completely silent no one dared to say anything the situation was too intense.

Hange walked to (Y/N) to look her over, however Erwin kept Levi actual office part of his office.

"I see you started a report already." Erwin said.

"Of course I want this situation behind us and forgotten about." Levi said leaning against his desk.

"Right of course." Said Erwin.

The room fell silent once again.

"What's your plan?" Levi asked.

"What plan?" Erwin asked.

Levi didn't like how Erwin always played dumb, and right now it was pissing him off.

"About (Y/N). I know you were talking with Hange about her, so what's. your. plan." Levi asked a little slower.

"Well, I was at first thinking about having her killed, but she is to much of an asset to us." Erwin said.

" So...." Levi said.

" So we will need her to shift more, a lot more so she can gain a bit more control. We don't need her going into a blind rage again." Erwin said looking at Levi now.

" Alright." Levi said looking down.

" Guys, come in here for a minute." Hange said from Levi's doorway.

Levi and Erwin walked into the conjoined bedroom (that was hardly used) to see (Y/N)'s body covered in steam.

"What's wrong with her." Erwin asked first.

"Well it seem when she was consumed by her more titan side she suffered quite a few internal injuries. The reason she was running such a high fever was because her body was healing itself, so now her body is admitting high amounts of steam."

"That makes sense?" Erwin said skeptically.

" What kind of internal injuries?" Levi asked.

" Well nothing too severe just damage to every organ she has and a bit of brain damage." Hange said.

" Will she survive?" Asked Erwin.

" Of core she be as good as new when she wakes back up. Her body simply just need to rest while it heals itself." Hange said walking back out of the bedroom.

Levi, Erwin, and Hange were now in Levi's office discussing how they were going to tell the cadets that they're keeping a massive, some what  uncontrollable, some what unstable titan shifter.

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