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Sleepless Nights:

After Hange left, (Y/N) approached Levi.

"I'm sorry." (Y/N) said as she stood behind Levi.

Levi said nothing, he turned around and looked up at (Y/N). (Y/N) looked back a Levi and sat at the edge of her bed in front of Levi.

"That place that I followed you to, it's a graveyard isn't it?" (Y/N) asked.

"Kinda it- it's a makeshift graveyard for all the fallen soldiers I've known since I became a commander. It's how I honor their deaths. " Levi said his voice cracking.

" I'm sure you've done them justice, and given them peace. " (Y/N) said pulling Levi to her.

Levi laid his head in her neck like he had just hours before and let a few tears out and onto (Y/N)'s shirt. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Levi and held him. She hadn't said anything or moved she simply just held the man that had endured so much pain in his life.

*This is the least I can do for him, after all he risks his life every day for others*

(Y/N) didn't know how long she had held Levi, but she knew it was long enough for him to fall into a light sleep against her.

*Oh goodness what now. I don't want to wake him, but I don't know if he would rather be in his own bed right now.* (Y/N) thought.

After having an internal struggle (Y/N) decided to pull a small throw blanket over Levi and leaned against the wall so Levi was laying down a bit more.

"I hope you sleep well Levi." (Y/N) whispered and Levi snuggled a bit closer.

(Y/N) unfortunately couldn't sleep that night, everytime Levi would shift (Y/N) would wake up to make sure he wasn't haveing a nightmare or woke up himself.

"I'm glad you'll be well rested for tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to be another hard day for you especially." (Y/N) said as she slightly squeezed Levi in her arms.

(Y/N) had just dozed off when a loud sound came from outside her barracks door. Hange bust through her door, and (Y/N) covered Levi's ears just in time for Hange to scream at (Y/N).


" Quit Hange" T-(Y/N) ordered.

" Hange stopped and looked over at (Y/N) in surprise, only to smile and gush over Levi and (Y/N) position.

"Look at you two, I bet Levi slept all night with you beside him. " Hange whispered.

" Yeah he did, does he not usually sleep all night? " Asked (Y/N).

" No he's usually plagued with nightmares, or insomnia. I can't remember the last time he had a full night's rest to be honest. " Hange said looking at Levi with a sad smile.

" I would appreciate it if you two wouldn't gossip about my personal life. " Levi said.

(Y/N) and Hange both looked at Levi who was still snuggled into (Y/N). (Y/N) looked back at Hange who was bouncing back and forth on her toes.

"Awwwwww you look so snuggly and warm, you need to cuddle with me more too (Y/N)." Hange said.

" Tch. " Levi tsked at Hanger's behavior.

" Anyway now that we've found you Levi get ready we're heading out soon. " Hange's behavior quickly changed when she mentioned the mission today.

" I wanted to apologize, I didn't know you didn't usually sleep at night, and I didn't want to wake you up so I just left you be and covered you with my throw blanket and-"

(Y/N)'s rambling was cut short with a hard look from Levi.

" It's fine, I will admit that's the first time I've had a full night's sleep in...I can't even remember, ever maybe. So unless I ask you to apologize, don't, understand." Levi said slowly getting to his feet.

" Understood cap-er, Levi." (Y/N) stood beside Levi and walked him to her barracks door.

" Get ready quickly, we have a long day ahead of us." Levi said as he left (Y/N)'s room.

Ha I bet you thought it would be Levi that had a sleepless night but you were wrong. Hahhahahahahah*cough* haha*cough* *cough* *gag*


Next chapter will be out soon, hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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