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(Y/N) Past:

(Y/N) sat down beside levi, and hange sat on the other side (Y/N). The room fell into silence as (Y/N) look d at hange and levi.



".............whenever you're ready (Y/N)" levi said sipping his tea.

*Were did he get that* (Y/N) thought as the room fell into again.

"Come on (Y/N) the sooner you talk the sooner we all can leave." Hange said looking at (Y/N).

"I'm not comfortable with talking about my past. It's called the past for a reason." (Y/N) said mumbling the last part.

"Yes well we need to bring the past back to the present, so this is the last time........whenever you're ready" levi said finishing his tea.

Hange leaned closer to (Y/N) waiting for something anything.

"Well.....mom and dad are dead, I have no siblings, and I've always wanted to join the Survey Corpse." (Y/N) said smiling at hange.

"Oh........(Y/N) we need more than that. We need to know what it was like with your mother and father, or why you wanted to have a bakery, or why you wanted to be a scout." Hange said with a smile.

(Y/N) fell silent again. Levi sighed and looked over at hange.

"Go get some more tea four eyes." Levi said crossing his arms.

"Why not get it yourself shorty." Hange said glancing at levi.

"Because the brats are at lunch and that place is always filthy when they're there." Levi said looking at hange again.

"fine, but you two stay put ok!" Hange said jumping up and running out of time he room.

The room fell silent as (Y/N) looked at levi. After a few seconds levi uncrossed his arms and turned to looked at (Y/N).

"I understand there are somethings that might be hard to talk about. Whatever happened to you, you need to overcome it, and talking about it is a good start. Me and hange have no intentions to use anything you talk about against you, and last I knew you trusted us." Levi said taking (Y/N) hand and slightly squeezing it.

(Y/N) was at a loss for words she had never heard levi talk so much and it was supportive and encouraging, things no one had ever given her.

They sit in silence until hange comes back with a cup of tea for levi.

"I'm back! So back to the topic at hand feel like sharing now (Y/N)?" Asked hange smiling.

"Yeah maybe just a little bit." (Y/N) said.

"Well DUH you have to start some were!" Hange said sitting back down.

"So we're do you want me to start?" Asked (Y/N).

Before hange could answer levi cut in and decided to answer for her.

"It doesn't matter, tell us whatever you're comfortable with telling us." Levi said sitting his tea down on the arm of the chair.

Sweet bread *Levi Ackerman x curvy reader*Where stories live. Discover now