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⚠Strong language in this chapter⚠

The Mess

Y/N and levi soon arrived at Y/N bakery. Levi dismounted his horse and helped Y/N down as well.

"That was your first time on horseback?" Asked levi.

"Well, yes. My parents never really had horses and I never grew up with any. I'm glad you suggest we just take one to be honest." Y/N laughted.

"Well we'll fix that with a bit of practice, and you'll be riding in no time." Said levi with a smile.


"Do you find something funny brat!" Levi said in a threatening tone.

"Hmm. No. It's just that's the first time I've seen you smile!" Y/N said as she walked to the back to make levi his black tea.

"Hey levi can you come back here for a minute?" Y/N asked levi.

Levi walked to the back of the bakery to find that it has been completely destroyed. Bags of flower, sugar, and coco were everywhere, but the weird thing about all of this was the fact that the black tea was sitting stacked and untouched.

"Who else has a key to the bakery?" Asked levi.

"No one, I'm the only one with a key." Said Y/N shaking.

"Well they didn't force there way in. Have you ever lost your key?" Levi asked again.

"No this is the one and only original." Y/N said tears running down her face.

'Everything I worked for. Everything I had after it all went to shit is gone now. I....I' Y/N couldn't think straight.

Levi was looking around, but found nothing. He then walked back over to Y/N were he tryed to gain her attion.

"Hey Y/N. Y/N! Fucking brat!" Levi yelled.

Y/N only responded to the last one, but when she did she fell to her knees and cried.


'Fuck I don't know what to do when she cries FUCK' levi thought.

Levi bent down and tryed to comfort her just like he did when that alice girl was here last.

Y/N didn't need words right now. Y/N new what she needed, she needed to be held. Y/N was never good with controlling her emotions, but she decided to take what she needed. So Y/N grabbed levi set him in her lap and held onto him like her life depended on it.

'Tch....well if this is what she needs right now so be it. It isn't that bad anyway' thought levi as he tryed to hold her as well.

Some time passed and Y/N had calmed down and let levi go.

"I-I'm sorry le-levi I know you don't l-like physical contact from oth-others." Y/N studded out.

"That's not true I just don't like unwanted physical contact, but it's fine if you need a hug once in a while." Levi said as he looked around.

"Thank you levi, but what are you looking for?" Y/N asked now fully calm.

"Your cleaning supplies. This place is fucking filthy." Levi said with his head under the sink.

"Haha,and why should I tell you Mr. clean freak." Y/N teased.

"Because this place is filthy. Now tell me." Levi demanded.

"Alright, alright, there in the storage closet to the right." Y/N said as she got up.

After levi found the cleaning supplies he proceeded to clean up the mess that was made. Y/N tryed to help, but levi ordered her to go out front and sit down. He said that cleaning helps him think. So Y/N went out front only to find..........

Sweet bread *Levi Ackerman x curvy reader*Where stories live. Discover now