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Concerning Conversations:

Levi went rigid again not been put in such a position with another person before. (Y/N) slowly wrapped her arm around Levi and held him as close as she could without hurting him.

"I will always be here if and when you need me Levi." (Y/N) said.

Levi said nothing and simply relaxed into (Y/N)'s soft embrace.

*When was the last time someone hugged me* thought Levi.

*When was the last time someone held me.* Levi thought again wrapping his arms around (Y/N) as much as he could.

(Y/N) slowly pulled away, Levi however stayed where he was wanting as much comfort as he could get in that moment, especially since he didn't know the next time he would fine such comfort.

"We should head back soon, we both need food and a good night's rest after today." Said (Y/N).

" Yeah. " Levi said slowly letting go of (Y/N) and standing up.

On their way back they were stopped by Erwin.

" And where were you two? " He asked.

Levi stayed silent and didn't meet erwin's eye. Erwin then looked over at (Y/N).

" I was out stargazing by the lake, I saw Levi walking back to the barracks and thought I would join him, now you're here commander. " (Y/N) said holding eye contact daring Erwin to question her.

" Well I hope you both sleep well tonight we'll be leaving for the outer walls tomorrow. " Erwin said as he walked away.

Levi stood stiff and rigid. It was at that point (Y/N) realized, whatever Levi over head earlier had something to do with Erwin to the point even Levi can no longer look at him.

"Come on let's head inside." (Y/N) said putting a hand on Levi's back.

~Time Skip~

After eating and getting back to the barracks (Y/N) still worried about Levi, she didn't have much time to dwell on it though because her thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on her door.(Y/N) walked over and opened it to reveal Hange with Levi at her side.

"What's wrong?" Asked (Y/N).

"Remember earlier I promised to tell you why I was on edge and I said I'd tell you when Levi was with us next?"

"Yes." Replied (Y/N).

"Well this can't wait not with what's coming tomorrow." Hange said walking into (Y/N)'s room.

"Alright. Then please come in and sit down." (Y/N) offered.

"Please I beg you both don't be upset with me." Hange said looking at Levi and (Y/N).

(Y/N) and Levi both nodded after looking at each other.

"Alright, where to start...um. Well it started shortly after me Levi and Erwin got promoted to commanders. Erwin was a little hesitant to lead a team of his own so he stayed close to me and Levi. Not long after our first real mission Erwin got promoted to lead commander. He hated at first but he soon found a way to..... embrace it. Unfortunately it wasn't in the best of ways. At first it was only the small missions that the new scouts were placed at the edge, but the more scouts that returned the more missions we went out on. Erwin didn't like that so then he started putting the newest scouts at the edge more often. Untill one day when we where all out on a mission an abnormal ran right past the scouts at the edge and twords the center formation where the newest scouts were with Erwin. All of them were killed and instead of fighting  Erwin ran for his life on horse back. He abandoned us in the middle of battle, I found him a few miles ahead of the center formation in some trees. He had pissed himself and was sitting in a tree crying. He was so terrified after that day he started keeping me and Levi near by like he used to, and putting the newest scouts at the edge. The day I found him was the day me and him made the promise that I'd never tell anyone about his plans from them on and in return I could have any titan I want. I loved the idea at first until I started see how many lives we were losing each time we went outside the walls. I don't know what to do know, I want to stop this somehow but don't know how and it's frustrating. I just hope you can forgive me. " Hange sat silent on (Y/N)'s bed waiting.

Levi looked horrified at Hange. (Y/N) was frustrated with Erwin.

" 6,812......6,812 lives were lost since I became a commander and you're telling me most of them died intentionally for Erwin's own personal safety. Why, because he was to much of a pussy to stand up and tell someone that he couldn't be lead commander. " Levi shook with anger.

" Please Levi, I'm sorry I honestly thought you knew just as much as I did. After all you're pretty close with Erwin. " Hange said.

" I think you should leave and let me and Levi sleep on this for tonight. " (Y/N) finally spoke up.

" Alright, goodnight. " Hange said leaving (Y/N)'s barracks.

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