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As levi made it to the edge of town people started to line the streets to see him.

"It's levi."

"Look it caption levi."

"He's so cool."

"Look at how handsome he is."

Levi was used to this type of treatment. He didn't like it, but he was use to it.

People stopped and watched him, but soon went on about there day.

After the crowd broke away levi spotted some thing that sparked his interest.

Winged sweets

Now serving
Black tea and sweet bread

"Hey how long has that bakery been there?" Levi asked a passerby.

"Oh not long. Maybe two weeks. People always have great things to say about it though." Replied the passerby.

Levi dismounted his horse and tyed it to the post outside the door. He then walked in and was greeted by the smell of baked goods and tea.

'Finally a bakery that doesn't smell of coffee and sugar.' Thought levi as he walked further in.

"I'll be right with you."

Someone called from the back.

As Levi walked up to the counter he noted how clean this place was. He liked it so far, but that could change.

"Hello how may I help you caption?" Asked a female.

Levi turned around from looking out the front window to be met by a seven foot three inch female that looked to be about 235lb. Though she was wearing three inch heals so she had to be about seven foot tall is all.

"Can I help you with something caption?" She asked again when Levi didn't answer her.

"I simply saw your sign and wanted a cup of black tea." Said levi as he reapproached the counter that separates him from her.

"Of course I'll get right to it. Would you like some sweet bread with your black tea?" The girl asked.

"No." Was levi's short reply.

"Alrighty." She said as she walked to the back to make him some black tea.

'Clean, so far she doesn't fawn over me, I just hope they serve black tea to my standards, but I doubt it' Levi thought as he waited for his tea.

"Here you go caption, and if you need anything else just ask." She said as she set a cup of black tea in front of levi.

"Tch" Levi tisked at her overly happy demeanor.

'How can someone be so happy when we all live in a pin like catal' levi thought as he sipped his tea.

'Not bad but this isn't just black tea she added something to it I'll ask later she seems busy right now' Levi thought as he looked at the girl serving a few other people.

After some time the customers left and levi decided to ask her what she added to his tea. After all levi drinks this so much it might as well flow through his veins.

"I asked for a black tea, but there is something more to this then just tea. What is it?" Demanded levi.

"Huh? Oh I put 1/4 teaspoon of honey in with it. That's the way my mother use to drink it so......." The girl trailed off at the end.

"If you want just a normal black tea I can make you another cup." She offered.

"No it's fine I was just curious. How much do I owe you?" Levi asked as he approached the counter once again.

"Nothing. Thank you and come again." She said as she turned around to walk away.

"No wait." Levi said in a stern tone.

"Um, is there something else caption." She asked him.

"Yes. Why don't I pay?" Levi asked as he crossed his arms.

"Oh anyone in the scout regime doesn't have to pay. It's sort of a thank you for what you all do. I can't do much else." She replied with a smile.

"Alright, thank you." Levi said as he left. He then got back on his horse and left.

Sweet bread *Levi Ackerman x curvy reader*Where stories live. Discover now