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⚠Strong language in this chapter⚠

Sweet Bread


After levi found the cleaning supplies he proceeded to clean up the mess that was made. Y/N tryed to help, but Levi ordered her to go out front and sit down. He said that cleaning helps him think. SoY/N went out front only to find.......



"Do you like the gift I left you?" Alice giggled.

Y/N was frozen she couldn't believe that alice would do something like this. Sure alice was mean to Y/N, but Y/N never thought that she could do something like this.

"I-I, why alice?" Y/N asked.

"Because I could. My mother helped me pick your lock so there was no sign of forced entry. Good luck providing any solid evidence I did it. You. Fat. Fuck. Hahahaha." Alice said as she walked out.

Y/N walked back to the back wanting to be by levi. After all he made her feel safe.

'god no matter how big I get I'm just a fat fucking baby that always needs some sort of safety net. For fuck sake I'm fucking worthless' Y/N thought as she walked back to the back.

"I told you to go sit down out front." Levi said.

Y/N just ignored him. She then walked up to him sat down, and hugged him around his waist

"What are *sigh* fucking brat." Levi said as he pet her head and looked down at her.

"Thanks levi." Y/N whispered.

"Yeah, yeah. Well if your going to insist on being back here then grab a broom." Levi said.

"Ok." Y/N said with a smile.

'No matter how bad I feel levi always makes me feel better' thought Y/N as she looked at levi with a smile.

After a few hours the back of the bakery was good as new.

"Well that took awhile." Y/N said with a sigh.

"Yes. Why don't we go back to HQ now." Said levi as he began to walk to the front.

"Wait levi! We came here so you could have some black tea. It's not damaged and I still have enough ingredients to make one batch of sweet bread, if you want?" Y/N said grabbing a hold of the back of levi's shirt.

"You're going to make it anyway arent you?" Asked levi as he turned around.

Y/N timidly nodded her head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to try it was all." Y/N whispered.

"Fine we'll stay but I-" Levi was cut off by Y/N.

"You want your black tea first. I figured as much. I'll be right back levi." Y/N said with a smile as she grabbed a few black tea bags.

Levi went out front and sat down to wait on his black tea and sweet bread.

'I can't believe that bitch alice was back again and she had to open her fucking mouth and taunt Y/N I like that. That fucking bitch will pay'

While levi was plotting alice's death
Y/N came back with his black tea and a drink for her as well.

"While your tea was making I went ahead and put the sweet bread in the oven it should be ready in about 15min." Y/N said as she set levi's black tea in front of him, and took the seat across from him.

"That's fine, but I was wondering what made you ignore me and come back to the back?" Asked levi.

'Lets see if she is willing to tell me' thought levi.

"Oh ummm....." Y/N avoid eye contact with levi.

'I don't want him to think I'm worthless I'm so big and yet I get my feelings hurt if someone calls me fat' thought Y/N.

"Don't lie to me Y/N." Levi demanded as he looked at his cup of black tea.

Y/N sighed and decided to tell levi what happened.

'I might as well he won't love me any way he's surrounded by beautiful, strong, independent women all the time' Y/N thought as she looked at levi.

"Alice came by and pretty much confessed that she was the one to wreck the bakery. She said her mom helped her pick the lock so there was no sign of forced entire."
Y/N told levi everything that alice had said to her.

"I see so I was right she is a fucking bitch." Levi said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yeah I guess." Y/N said with a shoulder shrug.


Sweet bread *Levi Ackerman x curvy reader*Where stories live. Discover now