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Quickly doing the math in my head, I gaped up at Ryan, stunned.

"You're two hundred and eighty fucking years old?! "
Laughing, Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up and walked us to the front door before putting me back on the floor and opened the door for me.
"Yeah. What, you think I was younger than that?" He asked as he gently pushed me outside of the house, closing the door behind us as we walked to his car.
"Well to be honest, yes but just a bit more younger. "
Puzzled, he ran his hand through those thick silky locks, messing it up even more.
"Exactly how young?"
Fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, I looked back up into his eyes.
"I thought you'd at least be 18 but in actual human years. Now that I know how old you truly are, I feel so young compared to you!"
Laughing, I leaned on his car before crossing my arms and looking back at him again.
"So how old are you, missy?" He asked, as casually he could while shifting his self next to me and copying the position I was in.
"I'm 19 in human,vampire and Succubus years. But since the whole 'turning into a vampire ' thing happened, I age a little bit more slowly. Like say, when my 20th birthday comes up, I'll still be stuck at 19 until my next birthday comes again. It's hard to understand and get used to but it's whatever."
After letting that out, we stood in silence. Not awkward silence like how it is after a one night stand, but in content silence. Just basking in each other's presence and not wanting the moment to end.
"Well I'll tell you something that I've been thinking." Ryan said, but with a glint of mischief in his blue eyes.
Looking up at him, I smiled as sweet and innocent as I could.
"And what's that dear mate of mine?"
"I'm dating a hot young thang and oomph!"
My hand shot out and hit him in the stomach, stopping him from what he was going to say.
"Why you do that!? .... Damn that hurt like a bitch."
Glaring at him, I crossed my arms again, forgetting the pain my hand was in.
"Maybe you shouldn't have called me 'young thang'. Makes it seem like I'm way younger than 19.....Asshole."
Still doubled over, Ryan lifted the hand he wasn't using to hold onto the car to flip me the bird.
"Whatever Lexi. But that really did hurt. Maybe I need a kiss, y'know to help me feel better?"
Pouting, I turned my head to the left, acting as if to ignore him.
"Baby? Lexi? Love?"
Ima let him suffer

Im a Half Vampire - Succubus and My Mate's a IncubusWhere stories live. Discover now