~Chapter 12~

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~Chapter 12~

Halfway through the night, no sign of Derek and bitch Kyla. Which is a pretty good thing for me, but I still have the feeling of somebody watching me.

"Hello! Lexi! Did you hear me?!" Tuning back in, I noticed Sage waving her hand infront of my face, with Maddy giggling to the left of Sage.

"Sorry, hun. What did you say?" I say, blinking back to reality.

"I said, are we just going to sit here all night at the bar or go dance?" She asked, protruding her lower lip, making it seem like shes pouting.

"We will, but aren't you at the least bit hungry?" I say, noticing her eyes for the first time this evening. Instead of being a topaz color, her eyes were completely black, no way of telling where her pupil is.

"Now that you mention it, I am a bit famished." Slowly, she turned around on the stool, facing the dancefloor and taking a sniff. Looking at Maddy over Sage's shoulder, I nod my head towards the dancefloor and she nodded back, affirming that she got the message.

~How long has it been since she last fed?~ Maddy asked.

~About a month ago. She's been busy.~ I replied back.

"Come, love. Let's go dance." Tugging on Sage's arm, Maddy led her to where all the dancers were. Following behind them, we made our way to the dance floor and started dancing to 'O.K. Bassquake' by The Mover & Rave Creator.

~ I'm going to seperate from you two and find someone. Understood?~ I sent to Maddy

~Of course.~ Maddy replied, as she smiled seductivly at Sage and grinded her hips against her.

Looking away, I tried making eye contact with one of the many human occuipents here. Aha! Gotcha! Making my way to him wasn't that hard, with him pushing other clubsters out of the way to get near me.

Still swaying my hips to the music, I wink at him, allowing him to take that as encouragement to get closer to me. Feeling his hand slide onto my hip, I step back, giggling and playfully shake my head no. His smile turned into a full grown grin and his entire posture screamed 'lust'. Closing my eyes halfway, I step closer to him and place my hand on his chest. Putting enough emotion into my eyes, i lean close to his ear.

"Not here. Somewhere more..private." I whispered, licking his neck and nodding my head towards the ladie's room. Taking my hand, I let him lead me away from the dancers and to the restrooms.

~Come now. It's time~ I sent to both girls. Not needing to turn around, I sensed them make their way to us, as the guy led me to an empty stall. Noticing the girls, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Your friends?" He asked, as i pushed him down onto the toilet seat and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Yes. They'd also like a little taste of you as well." I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder, flashing my exposed neck so Sage will take the invite to come closer.

With him momentarly distracted with Sage, I felt my fangs grow and fast enough without him knowing, I bit down on his neck, moaning at sheer pleasure as his blood flowed freely down my throat. His slight screams turned into moans as the endorphines in my saliva triggered his sexual needs. Unlatching myself, I looked at Sage and take in that her fangs had started to grow as well.

~I'll leave you to it~ I told her, getting off the guys lap and got out of her way.

Walking away to the mirrors, I heard Sage drink from the guy and him moaning again.

~Thank you, Lexi. I owe you~ Sage sent me through mindlink, still drink from him.

Smiling in the mirror, I wiped off any extra blood on my mouth and reapplied my lip gloss.

Turning around, I saw Sage walk out of the stall and come near me by the mirrors.

"He's still breathing. No worries." She said, smiling at me and wiped off her mouth as well.

"In two minutes, he'll come out of the trance and see you two get dressed again. I planted an image of you guys and him fucking so he'll never know what really happend."

Maddy said, walking up behind Sage and wrapping her arms around her waist, resting her head on Sage's shoulder.

"Okay with me. Get into position. He's waking up." I told Sage, pulling her with me back to the stall. Just as his eyes were starting to open, Sage and I both made it look like we were zipping up our corsets.

"Wow, that was fast." He said, buttoning up his shirt. "So...catch you girls later?"

"Sure." we said in union, watching him walk out of the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, we all cracked with laughter.

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