~Chapter 9~

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~Chapter 9~

Sage's eyes widened as recognization sunked in.

"Maddy!" Spinning around, Sage crashed her lips against Maddys, looping her arms around her neck and twining her fingers together, making escape impossible for Maddy....Not like escape was even on her mind.

"C'mon you two, either stop or get a room." I snickered, patting Sage on the shoulder, hoping that she would notice. Nope, no luck. Sighing, I pull them apart long enough to bring them to one of the rooms on the far right of the loft.

"Alright, have fun you two!" i yell, slamming the door shut.

So much for feeding her, I thought as i walk down the stairs and make my way to the bar. Sitting down on a stool, i wait paitently for the bartender to finish serving the two blondes further down the counter.

"The usual?" he asked.

"Nah, this time AB neg with Jack" I tell him, passing him a $20 bill.

"Coming right up." Taking the bill, smiling and flashing a bit of fang.

Hmm, cute.

Turning around on the stool, I spread my arms onto the bar countertop and lean back, taking in the crowd on the dancefloor.

"Here you go, lady. AB neg with Jack."

Turning around, I took the drink and nodded my thanks. Turning back around, I slowly took a drink, still surveying the dancefloor. Reason why I'm doing this is that I felt eyes on me the moment I came down the stairs. Finishing my drink, I leave the bar and walk towards the dancefloor. 'Satisfaction' by Benny Benassi started playing once i got there. Lifting my arms, I start swaying my hips to the beat and run my hands down my body, tossing my head to the side, lost to the music. Being completly into the music, I didn't notice somebody came up behind me and press up against me, placing their hand on my hip. Eyes still closed, I turn around slowly and come face to face to whoever that is pressed against me. Slowly opening my eyes, I meet brown eyes, meet the familiar sent of woods and dog and sudden anger fills up my entire being. Wishing that its a mistake, I push the man away from me. And that man happens to be Derek.

~pic of Maddy ~

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