~Chapter 7~

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~Chapter 7~

After 20 minutes of straightening my hair, Me and Sage are both out the door and on our way to the Haze. The club houses ordinary humans but what humans don't know is that they're partying with supernatural beings. Such as Vampires, Werewolves, Succubus, anything else that goes bump at night. As soon as we get there, we notice there's a long line of people waiting to get in.

"Oh, look Lexi! So many yummies came out tonight!" Sage pratically drools out, never taking her eyes off of the 'yummies'

"Hahaha. Yes, i see that. Ima park right here and we'll walk towards the back door."

As we walk onto the curb near the club, a couple of whistles are heard from the left of us.

Ignoring them, Me and Sage made our way to the back door thats meant for supernaturals to go through and into the club.

The bouncer noticed us and open the door with no problem. We were in.

Im a Half Vampire - Succubus and My Mate's a IncubusWhere stories live. Discover now