~Chapter 21~

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~Chapter 21~

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Ryan and started from the beginning.

"Me and Derek met back in Junior High. I was starting at a new school, in a different district, and no friends. Instead of sitting by friends in class, I would sit in the way back away from everybody else and would sit outside by myself during lunch. After 3 weeks into the school year, I met Sage and we instantly clicked. We found out that we have several classes together and we would always sit next to each other, even though we would get yelled at by the teachers but they eventually gave up and left us alone. On Halloween night, there was a school dance but instead of going, Sage decided to throw a costume party at her parents house while they were away to a family gathering. Sage dressed up as a witch and I didn't plan on wearing a costume so i just wore skinny jeans with my brother's old Slipknot hoodie with a black tube top underneath it. There were typical costumes worn or people just came casually like i did. I was sitting on the love seat next to a native boy at the party and we were passing a strawberry blunt back and forth, talking about ourselves and our lives. We found out that we shared some classes as well but never knew who was who. After the party, he offered to walk me home since his house was on the way and I said yes. When we got near my house he asked what my name was since I didn't mention it back at the party. I told him my name is Alexandria but I told him my friends back home call me Lexi instead. He told me his name is Derek but everyone he's friends with call him Smokey cause he's always smoking either a blunt or cigarette. After we said goodnight, he walked to his house as i went into mine. After that night, he would come meet me at my house and we would walk together to school every day until my family decided they wanted to move to the other side of town when I finished my 8th grade year. I haven't seen him ever since until I went to a party with Sage. She knew who was throwing the party and she bribed me with her Suicide Silence hoodie that I wanted for a while to go with her. We were only juniors back then but everyone there were either seniors or graduates and most of them didn't care if we were drinking. Maybe after my 6th beer, I was walking with someone to the stair up to the second landing of the house. I didn't even make it halfway to the stairs when some other guy grabbed me by the waist and yanked me away from the other person. All I know is that the other guy just looked at whoever it was behind me and walked off in a different direction, leaving me with dude behind me. I turned around to look at who grabbed me and it was Derek and he was going off with how he didn't want me doing anything with some random guy, how much I was drinking, how worried he was about me after I moved. I told him I didn't mean to leave and that why does he worry about me and what I do until Sage noticed how trashed I was and decided that I needed to go home. I didn't want to leave but Derek offered to bring me back, trying to reassure that I would go home safely. 20 some minutes later,  Derek brings me to Sages house after giving him directions to get there. After we get there Derek carried me to the door, took my keys and opened to door, and carried me inside. I told him to go to my room and he put me down on my bed. It was around 3 am that it was too late for him to go home, so I asked him just spend the night with me. he crawled in my bed after that, put his arm around me and we both eventually end up asleep. After that day,we got close and we felt something for each other and Derek asked me out the same day as my birthday. I can't really remember much after that to be honest but we were together for 3 years and within the 3 year period, he told me how he was to be alpha of the silver moon pack after his father gives up the title to him. I guess the luna was having another baby and the alpha wanted to be around more. I know that werewolves had mates like everyone else and I knew I wasn't Derek' s mate, so I tried pushing him away but it was hard. After what seemed like I was being pushed into being his soon to be wife, I had commited suicide the same night he had gone to the ceremony of becoming the new alpha. I didn't know Sage was coming over that day to come get me, but she found me in the bathtub summerged in water with my wrist bleeding and a bottle of pills next to the tub...."

Flashbacks of that night still haunt me, and everyonce in a while I can still feel the ghost of pain I was in after Sage turned me. Turning my head on Ryan's lap, I was surprised to see emotions flitting in his eyes but what struck my heart the most was the pained expression on his face. As he wiped his thumb under my eye, that's when I realized I was crying the whole time I was talking. Shifting my weight, Ryan pulled me up in a sitting position and place me on his lap, stroking my hair as I continued to cry. What really got me was that he didn't yell at me for being weak but was comforting me and whispering "it's okay, let it out".  After what seemed like hours but really just a few minutes, I calmed down and started playing with Ryan's shirt as he continued playing with my hair.

"...Does anybody else know about it besides Sage and your brother? And me?"

Shifting my weight a bit, I leaned against his chest and rested my head against his shoulder, intertwining our hands together before looking up at him.

"Ya. Derek obviously knows and a few of my friends from school do too. But after Sage changed me, I wasn't allowed to go back to school cause I'm'dead' and it'll freak the shit outta everyone there, except for few of the supernaturals that attend the school. It kind of sucks cause now I can't graduate with everyone."

Felling rather than seeing, Ryan shook his head and leaned his chin against the top of my head and tightened his hold on me before pulling away and looking at me with a smirk.

"Well it's not like you can't graduate. I mean, now that you're mixed species, you don't age normal so you can still go to high school next year in the fall and graduate then. But at a different school. Damn, Ima have a hot high school girl for a mate."

Slapping his chest, I climbed off his lap and walked back to my room, flipping him off as I heard him laugh behind me.

"Exactly, how old are you?" I asked as I entered my room and headed straight to my phone,  checking for any missed calls or texts from Sage.

"You're not gonna like me anymore if I told you." Ryan said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Try me." Putting my phone down, I turned in his arms facing him and looked up, smirking.
He's probably 18 by the looks of it...he's a baby compared to me

Clearing his throat, he looked down at me, completely serious.

" I'm 28 in human years but I've been around for a long time. so multiply that by 10."

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