Chapter 26: Redecorating

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Ally cleaned the house and washed the car and got forty bucks for her efforts and rushed off to the record store immediately after receiving the cash.

Most of the used CD's were only a few dollars so she got an armful. They didn't really have carts or baskets but the curly haired stoner at the counter let her keep her stuff there until she was ready to pay. She kept walking back and forth until her stack of albums and posters obscured view of the guy who wasn't really paying attention.

"Hey, man, how much you think this is gonna set me back?" she asked.

The stoner moved his curly locks aside and inspected her selections. She had picked what she thought was Maiden's complete discography with some Metallica and Dio selections mixed in, but when the guy shook his head, she wondered what she'd done wrong. 

Shit, he's gonna think I'm a poser.

"You're missing the first two Maiden albums. Paul Di'Anno era Maiden is essential!" 

He stepped lively away from the counter for a while then returned with two more CD's. Iron Maiden's debut, and the follow-up - Killers.

Ally inspected them before shaking her head. "I can't afford them."

Her nameless friend waved her off and said they were on the house. "Letting you walk out without them would be a disservice. Now go, my child, and may fortune favor your journey."

She nearly broke down in tears then and there and reached over the counter to hug the man who was practically the human embodiment of reefer before heading for the exit. Only to turn back near the door when she realized she hadn't paid for literally anything.


She called Jasmine over to help her put up the posters and paint. 

Ally's closet space was separated by two sliding doors that she eyed with a curious glint in her eyes. 

"I've always hated those fucking doors."

"Then let's take em the fuck down!" her pagan friend eagerly suggested.

Ally wondered why she'd never thought of that. It was genius. 

If you hate something, destroy it!


They painted three of her room solid black but left one wall purple with her unicorn and Pokémon posters up as an accent wall. A Jolly Roger pirate tapestry hung above her bed with Iron Maiden and Alice in Chains posters running down the sides.

When Jen came home on her lunch break to check on her, the first thing she heard was a drill followed by a loud crash. She put a hand on the banister and started up the stairs.

"Ally!?! Ally what are you doing up there?!"

"Just huffing paint, mom!"

There was another drill and another crash. 

Jen started up the stairs, nearly changing course at the halfway point before shaking her head and persevering. 


She allowed the new look, and the removal of the doors. It was her room, and she could do what she liked with it, but told her she would have to finish it all herself. Deep down she wasn't sure what to think of it, but she knew Ryan would approve so she felt she had to do so as well.

"Who's your friend?"

Friend? Is she just a friend, shit what do I say? We kinda kissed and...

"Jasmine," her friend said, and they shook hands.

Jen didn't question it; she was clearly happy to see Ally with someone her own age again. She'd spent so much time in her room, it was good to have someone to hang out with.

They talked for a bit and Jasmine joked she'd be watching out for Ally once she got to Dayvale High, or the other way around, and Jen left satisfied.

Just friends?

Ally paced around a bit, making it look like she was admiring all the new artwork, but her mind was full of questions. Jasmine picked up on it pretty quickly, seeing her amble around with her arms crossed, not staring anywhere in particular.

"What's wrong?"

It took Ally a moment to register her voice and realize she was being spoken to. "Nothing."

"It's something, what is it?" Jasmine asked and sat on the bed.

Ally finally stood with her back against the far wall and made eye contact with her. When she looked at her, her thoughts were different, but no less confusing.

"Are we just 'friends'?"

Jasmine's eyes glistened a bit, she clearly cared for Ally and didn't wanna say something that would hurt her. "What do you think? What do you feel?"

Ally felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. She felt like a blinding spotlight was on her and she stepped away to get out of it. "I have no fucking idea."

Jasmine nodded. "Why don't we just keep hanging out, having fun, and not put a stupid label on it."

Ally honestly wasn't sure she liked that. Jasmine made her think about her past. She wondered if there were times, she felt something 'more' for Amber. When they were younger, it was just fun, there wasn't a lot of thought that went into it. It was all still so confusing, she liked Ethan a lot, or at least she used to - they had shared things together over several months, but he never filled her with consistent butterflies like Jasmine did, or the thought of Amber.

Shit so... Is it girls and boys, or just girls, or just boys, or am I just hopelessly fucked in the head?


Oh right, she asked me a question.

"Uh... Fuck it, let's just see what happens."

Jasmine smiled and walked towards her slowly.

"Can we still kiss though?" Ally asked.

By the time her friend reached her, she tasted grape flavored lipstick, and had her answer.

Shit what if Mom walks in? Meh, fuck it.

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