Chapter 69: Breathe

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She hadn't told Amber, somehow it didn't seem proper.

When Ally got home with her, her mind wasn't on Ethan, even with his threats she wasn't entirely sure she was going to go to Graffiti Hall. It was one of the rare instances her mother was home for dinner, and she was cooking something for all of them. Ally didn't want to miss out, and even though her decision was half-assed she thought that she would try to distance herself from Ethan. She'd tell him face to face that he needed help, that they could only be friends if he got it, and he'd either get the message or move on.

He wasn't her responsibility. Even though they'd once shared something, that was in the past. Her focus was on her family, which Amber was now a part of. 

Still, a tinge of guilt stung in her gut. If something happened to him that she could have prevented, regardless of the way he was acting, somebody she knew would die. The prospect of not doing enough ate at her, and she was having a hard time getting rid of the feeling.

When she walked into the kitchen her mother already had several pots on the stove. She said she was making pasta and smelled freshly chopped parsley and the sweetness of tomatoes mixed with garlic.

"Hey, honey, dinner will be in about an hour."

Ally nodded and filled up a glass of water while yawning.

Jen opened a cabinet and screamed; Ally pivoted with a harried look.

Zeus had somehow found his way into the cabinet and was sleeping on a plate. He meowed angrily like he was annoyed Jen had interrupted his beauty sleep before pouncing down onto the counter below and running off towards his food dish.

"I'm gonna put a damn bell on that cat so I always know where he is," Jen said, clutching her chest, recovering from her mini heart attack.


Amber was removing her makeup in a mirror by the door in Ally's room, Ally was sitting on her desk. They were talking about the assembly.

"It's just not my thing. I'm thinking about saying no," Amber said. "My makeup also looked like shit all day I'm just realizing."

"Like you even need it..." Ally said.

Amber smiled. "They said we're gonna ride across the field on a cart and our dates are gonna give us flowers in the end zone. It just sounds too... Like too much."

Ally stretched and let out another yawn.

Why the fuck am I so tired?

"I'd do it," Ally said, her voice a bit sleepy.

She saw Amber look stunned in the mirror. She turned and looked at her.

"You're joking."

Ally shrugged and Amber chuckled.

"My metalhead girlfriend wants to give me flowers at a football game?"

Ally got off the desk and walked over to her bed. She took her sweatshirt off and placed it on the mattress. "I mean... Is it my scene? Fuck no. But... I would do it if it made you happy."

"You... Well... I mean, I guess I'll think about it then. I bet McDaniel would be horrified."

Ally laughed, "even more reason to do it!"

Amber laughed and walked over towards the bed with her. "Oh! This is unrelated but your mom offered to take me to the eye doctor tomorrow."

"Why? Are you okay?"

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