Chapter 61: The Winds of a Storm

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The wind and rain howled against the house. It had been sunny all day before the grey monoliths shrouded the sun, covering every inch of the sky. A lightning flash glowed in the room and Ally counted in her head.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi... 

She reached seven before she heard the thunder echo ferociously and almost at the same time her phone vibrated at the fading sounds of the rumble.

It was a message from Ethan.

She didn't open it.

Amber was already on her way. Ally had invited her over, wanting to be honest face to face about the fight, and the subsequent suspension. She didn't want there to be any secrets or lies between the two. She was nervous, not about the fight, or telling Amber about Will, but about Ethan.

There was no doubt in her mind that she loved Amber with all her heart, most of the doubts had been removed about their relationship, they shared everything, their feelings, their doubts... a bed... The back seat of Amber's car... But for a reason she was having a hard time putting into words, she didn't know how she felt about Ethan being back.

She'd just have to tell her, she'd tell her everything, that they'd gone out at the end of 8th grade after she left, that some stuff had happened but nothing ever as deep or as beautiful as what she shared with her. She could already feel her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the thought, but Amber was always kind and understanding, and Ally remembered Amber had once thought they were together anyway, so she was probably worrying for nothing.

When she finally arrived, Ally held the door open for Amber as she ran up the walkway holding the hood of her jacket over her head as the wind tried to knock it off.

When she was inside, she took off the soaked windbreaker and gave Ally a quick kiss and asked her what happened as they made their way to the kitchen. She looked concerned, but not angry. Amber was never angry.

Ally recounted the story about walking behind Will Davis, about him being a dick to a new kid and her telling him to knock it off.

"Who was the new kid? I don't think I met him," Amber wondered, and took a sip of the drink Ally had given her.

"Uh... Well. Ethan... Ethan Clark is back."

Amber's eyes went wide and she dropped the cup. "No way!"

"My response was pretty much the same."

"It's really him? What does he look like now? I haven't seen him since I was like thirteen."

"He grew his hair out really long, was wearing flannel today."

Amber wracked her brain, trying to remember if she'd seen him, but she shook her head. "That's wild! So he's back for good now, or?"

"I don't know exactly, I only talked to him for like two seconds."

"About what?"

Shit... He wanted to meet up, that's gonna sound suspicious...

"Said he got kicked out of military school."

Amber's brow furrowed. "Really? That's weird. I wonder why."

Ally took a drink. "No idea, he wouldn't say."

"Hmm. Wow. That's not what I expected to hear when I came over."

Ally nodded, picturing the conversation again. She remembered she had an unread message from him and took her phone out.

The wind howled against the windows, rattling the screens, but even through the sounds of the storm Ally could hear the caw of a raven. She peered over to the kitchen window and saw one, perched upon the side yard fence. There seemed to almost be a look of desperation on its face as it sounded off. Looking right at her, at both of them.

Ally shook it off and glanced at the message.

ETHAN: Meet up in Graffiti Hall? I'm heading there now

"Well, I have an oil change appointment for my car, so I need to get going. I'll call you tonight. Maybe we can have a movie date or something."

"I'd like that," Ally said, and though she kissed Amber her mind was still on the message.

Even when Amber was gone, she still wondered if she should go or not.

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