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In the cold the girl chased her through the black towards the burning horizon, calling out to her. 


Over snow that glittered like stars fallen from the sky of dull ebony, she quickened her pace as strands of walnut-brown hair trailed behind the wraith's form.

She called to her again just before the burning parapet and the ghost halted like she knew her voice before passing into the flames.

The girl screamed and cried out to her as she reached the wall of flame. She took a tearful step forward, ready to walk through fire to bring the specter back. Back from the realms of faded, abstract memory. But then, as if extinguished by some unseen force, the firestorm abated, giving the girl view of the apparition halted before her.

Flames lingered on her body and slowly billowed upwards from her feet, gradually consuming her form, leaving not even a translucent framework in their wake. 

Only the eyes remained. Hazel jewels that shone with a knowing look before they too molted and faded to the snow to be washed away by memory and the passing of time. 

Amberian (Gods of California I)Where stories live. Discover now