Author's Note II

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In the final days of this rewrite, I learned that a good friend of mine passed away very suddenly. He was a good man, who was supportive of just about every single thing I did in my life, but especially of my writing. From the days I tried my hand at screenwriting, to just weeks ago, he always believed I had talent and potential. He also believed strongly that art in general had an important place in this world, so, this book is dedicated to him, and to people like him, even though some may never see it.

I first started Amberian towards the end of 2020 when I was going through some very difficult stuff and for whatever reason, I found that pouring my feelings into angsty teenage girls and outcasts was therapeutic. This story is an extension of myself, in both the good and the bad, but it's also full of my hope that one day we can get through our own troubles, our storms, and come out better on the other side.

To everyone who's reached this point, old readers and new, from the bottom of my heart - thank you! This book means the world to me, and I can't express my gratitude enough to all who joined me for the ride.

If you enjoyed, I hope you'll come back for some Greek mythology infused neo-noir in the sequel to Amberian -- AMARANTH

If you enjoyed, I hope you'll come back for some Greek mythology infused neo-noir in the sequel to Amberian -- AMARANTH

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