Chapter 29: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Matthews

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Ally opened the front door in a daze of laughter and sedation.

Her mood immediately shifted when she saw two people in the house instead of one. Jen was home as usual on one of her breaks, and she had a man with her. He was in street clothes but something about him screamed - "cop!"

"Ally, this is Owen," her mother said. She was smiling more than she'd seen in a very long time.

"Okay... Is he here to fix the plumbing?"

Owen had been hoping it wouldn't be awkward, it looked like he'd rehearsed a few lines but abandoned them when he saw how angry she looked.

"Sweetie... We've been seeing each other for a while now. We thought it would be a good time for you to meet."


It wasn't a surprise that she'd been sneaking around, that much was obvious. Those late nights, sneaking in like she was a teenager, the giggling, the fucking giggling behind closed doors sometimes until two in the morning. The surprise was the man himself. She might've understood if it was some guy like dad, but this motherfucker was NOTHING like him. 

"Honey..." Jen took a step forward and Ally took a huge step back. She was high but not high enough to allow what was happening to unfold. 

She turned in a hurry and threw open the door and ran off without closing it.

Nope. Not a fucking chance.


Weeks went by and she hated him more with every passing moment.

He hadn't officially moved in, she hadn't officially asked her to move to his place, but Ally knew it was only a matter of time before one of those scenarios came to pass.

Every time he came by, he'd leave some of his shit there. His phone, his flannels. He was a complete fucking California redneck. His phone wallpaper showed him holding the antlers of some poor fucking buck he'd shot for some reason. Most people had pictures of their significant others as their wallpapers or screensavers, but not Owen fucking Matthews. 

He's so self-absorbed he likes to look at himself every time he checks the time...

He came over for dinner a lot. Ally knew her mother was trying to get her 'used' to him, but it wasn't happening. She'd scarcely make it to the end of the meal. She hated his stupid face; she hated the way he chewed and belched into his napkin.

Everything about you disgusts me...


A month went by.

Just do it already!

He was there almost every day of the week. Owen didn't like her music, so she played it as loud as she could whenever she could. She wasn't sure if he knew about the smoking and drinking yet, but knew it was only a matter of time until he found out.

She hadn't paid Theo in months, but she kept going, only went when Owen wasn't there, which was usually when he was out on call pursuing some jaywalkers or shoplifters most likely.

When she thought she was alone in the house, with Soundgarden blaring through her speakers, straining them enough to make them rattle, she smoked the last of what she had near her window, admiring the Chris Cornell poster she had on the wall.

What a fucking God...

He must have been hiding somewhere because shortly after she started, the prick threw open the door and turned off her stereo.


"Are you for real?! You turned off Jesus! That's a federal offense!"

She realized he was looking at the smoke, smelling it.


"I could arrest you right now, you know. Where did you get it?!"

"Oh, fuck you, you don't even live here, get out!"

He moved a hand towards her, "listen here you little fucking...!"

He was going to say more, but then his phone rang, and after a brief conversation, he hung up and pointed a finger at her.

"We're not done here."

She blew smoke towards him and flipped him off as he stepped away angrily, then sank into her bed, for the first time, she felt he was dangerous, that if he'd had the chance, he would've hit her then and there. 

She had to go.

I can't do this anymore...


Jen came home alone and found Ally asleep. There was still a faint smell of her favorite herb lingering, but she tried to ignore it as she woke her up.

Ally sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, she knew what was coming, but didn't care. She wasn't gonna be spending very much time at home anymore anyway.

"I don't even know what to say, Ally."

Ally shook her head, "no surprise there."

"Honey I know you don't like him; I know you're mad at me. But... Really? Owen's a police officer, what did you expect?"

"I don't give a shit what he thinks or says. And I don't just 'not like him' - I would run him over if I got the chance."

"Ally, please. You haven't even given him a chance."

"Would you please cut the crap and just do it?!"

"Do what, Ally?"

"You know, I'm grounded for however long..."

"Are you doing drugs?"

"No, mom. I'm smoking pot because it's the only damn thing in the world that makes me feel somewhat fine."

She sensed her mother's thoughts shifted. She'd seen her at her worst, and Ally felt a crucial decision incoming.

It's him or me.

Jen's lip trembled, "I need to think. Just... Not in the house please. Especially when he's here."

She was trying to please both of them and it wasn't working. She'd probably lie to him; tell him she was grounded for a month.

Jen left the room and Ally fell back into bed.

I'm so out of here...

Maybe I can get to LA...

Amberian (Gods of California I)Where stories live. Discover now