Chapter 68: The Assembly

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Like when she went to the movies Ally liked sitting in the back row of the MPR whenever the option was presented. The assembly seemed to be about homecoming, but her mind was elsewhere.

Even though she didn't feel he was right to target her, he was right about one thing, she'd done to him what Amber had done to her. She'd left without saying goodbye. She'd made no effort to sustain their friendship over the years. He hadn't either but she accepted her part in it. It didn't feel good, there was genuine remorse, but Ethan didn't seem to be in a place where an apology would be enough.

She went through scenarios in her head of what could have happened at the school. Something had changed him, scarred him, perhaps it had been so bad that he had to think of something, or someone to get through it. Perhaps he'd thought of the good times they shared and the idea of having them again was the only reason he was still standing.

It wasn't her job to fix him. He needed more help. She was willing to have a genuine heart to heart, but he was scaring her.

McDaniel walked out to the podium and a few boos rang out. He looked deeply offended and stared down the crowd until they stopped before heading to the microphone and clearing his throat.

His voice was drowned out by her thoughts. She scanned the crowd.

Ethan was in the same section as her, sitting calmly looking up at McDaniel. Outwardly there didn't seem to be anything off about him to people who didn't know him. Whatever he was going through wasn't physically apparent.

She had to stand a little to see Amber, she was on the other side of the crowd, sitting politely like she always did.

"I would like to welcome, Team Captain, Will Davis to the podium now."

Well look who it is.

He'd gotten off with a slap on the wrist, she got a week, he got one day so he didn't miss practice or the game on Friday, which they won.

Still, he perhaps hadn't gotten off completely free as laughter erupted from multiple clusters in the crowd at the mere mention of his name. Ally didn't understand. He was a star athlete; star athletes were always popular and got special treatment. The mocking was relentless and odd.

As she listened in on the jeers, she realized that they were mocking him for the fight, for getting beaten up by a girl specifically. By her.

Will didn't look embarrassed, it looked more like he wanted to rush out into the crowd and take on the whole school. She could see the veins popping from her seat. He took his seat after subtly giving the crowd the finger and the rest of his teammates were announced. One by one they ran up to the stage and occupied waiting chairs, wearing their jerseys.

Ally looked at Ethan again.

Who could I tell? Discreetly?

Not McDaniel, he was too fucking incompetent to approach the situation delicately and he probably wouldn't even believe her. 

She could tell Zach, but she wasn't sure what he could even do. Even if she had proof, like a picture, or very clear text messages he would probably just alert his parents and then the next time he took the blade to his wrist he would press harder, or he'd jump out a window, or step off a stool and break his neck in a noose.

A few football players one by one went to the podium to announce the homecoming court which had been selected by the staff. Most weren't surprising, they were the goodie-two-shoes and the cheerleaders and the straight-A students, and with each name different groups of girls would shriek like banshees from excitement.

She knew Will Davis was back at the podium judging by the response from the crowd. He had the final name, the final nominee, and once McDaniel ordered everyone to be silent, he read it.

"... Amber Reaves."

What the fuck?! No way!

Ally looked over to Amber's section, she hadn't yet risen, she was still sitting there shyly, surprised, slightly uncomfortable by the sudden attention. She was finally urged out of her seat by her teacher and went towards the stage. Ally clapped. It wasn't all that surprising really, despite cutting way back on extra activities, Amber still had some of the best grades in the entire school.

Even though it didn't seem like her kind of thing at all, even though she knew there was a chance she would say no to all the fanfare, Ally still felt proud of her.

Amber accepted a certificate from McDaniel and awkwardly shook his hand before taking a seat with the other members of the court at the side of the stage.

Ally couldn't stop smiling, even clapped longer than everyone else before sitting.

Before McDaniel could begin speaking again, there was a bizarre sound from the back of the room that sounded like flapping wings. Everyone turned to the sound, trying to figure out what it was, and when they found out, they screamed and ran for the exits.

Two ravens had somehow found their way into the room, and they circled over the crowd like they were looking for something, or someone, in particular.

"Please, everyone! Be seated!"

It was no use; McDaniel knew he'd lost them. Whenever something even remotely interesting happened at school all etiquette and respect for authority went out the window and everyone used the chaos as an opportunity to make a run for it. Only Ally remained. 

She eyed the birds with interest, trying to make out individual markings to see if she'd seen them before. Nothing stood out for sure, but she knew, knew there was a familiarity between them which was why she wasn't scared.

You two again...

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