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TW: Use of safe word

Me and Spencer had just pulled up to the FBI building in the rented SUV and collected our belongings from the backseat. I unlocked my car and we put our stuff away in my backseat. I wanted nothing more than to go home and lay in my own bed but we had to go up to the office and drop off the Credit Card and Keys to the SUV.

"How are you feeling after eating lunch?" I asked Spencer as we got onto the elevator. I wanted to make sure that the food we ate wasn't too hard on his stomach and that we had enough water and stuff like that. I have the task of taking care of him and I need to keep up with it.

"Hm, how about I show you?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion but was soon pinned against the wall with Spencer's lips on my neck, I hummed in approval and laced my fingers through his hair tugging on the ends earning a groan from his lips. This felt amazing. Roughly two days without Spencer physically touching me all the time was excruciating. The elevator dinged and Spencer separated from me before the doors opened. I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me through the glass doors. "We will finish that later angel." I nodded in approval and walked into the bullpen.

"Hey boy genius! And Gabby!!" I heard Garcia say and I smiled and ran up to her to give her a hug, she wrapped her arms around me and I inhaled her familiar scent of cherries and sugar cookies. Next she grabbed Spencer giving him a tight hug and pestering him about his well being. To be honest Spencer is acting as if nothing happened, I know he isn't in pain but things like that can obviously scar you, I just hope he tells me before it gets to be too much. I know he didn't go through anything too traumatic like being kidnapped or being almost murdered but I know that he was mad and I wish he would talk about it. I went and knocked on Hotch's office door and waited for an answer.

"Come in!" I heard from the other side and pushed the door open to meet his gaze. He looked happy to see that we were back and welcomed me into the office with his hand.

"Hey sir we are back now and I wanted to come in to see the team and return these." I said and placed the keys and card on his desk.

"Okay thank you, you and Reid have today off since you guys just got back into town, and since it is the weekend I will see you both here on Monday. Please keep an eye on him for me? In the past he isn't the best at talking about his feelings and he goes into a state where he hates everyone. So just make sure he knows that you are there." I nodded my head with a 'yes sir' before exiting his office and walking back over to where Spencer was talking with Garcia and now JJ.

"Hey Gabby!" JJ said and gave me a hug. She oddly smelled like Emily's Victoria Secret perfume but I brushed it off and stepped back from her after our hug. Emily came up and stood next to JJ while we were all talking. We stood there for another few minutes before I felt Spencer snake his arm around my waist and squeeze at my hip.

"Sorry guys, me and Reid are probably going to head out now, we have to unpack and attend to some... business." I said slowly and I could see Spencer blush and scratch the back of his neck. JJ and Garcia smirked at him and Emily winked at me. I giggled and grabbed Reid's hand pulling him towards the elevator.

"You are going to pay for that babydoll. Saying things like that in front of our friends. Want them to know that I'm going to fuck you. Let them know that you are going home to get punished?" I smirked and turned towards him.

"Babydoll? And who says I have to do what you say?" I said in a bratty voice just to get him going. Babydoll was a new nickname. It was slightly degrading in my mind, calling me a doll, something that he can throw around and do what he pleases with. But nonetheless it fueled a fiery pit within me.

"Well if you don't then you don't get touched for two weeks." I gasped and stepped onto the elevator behind Spencer. That was unfair and totally a punishment I was not going to be taking without a fight. Even if that meant a different punishment. As long as Spencer was touching me I was okay with it.

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