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My alarm went off and Spencer and I both groaned simultaneously not wanting to leave the warmth of our hotel sheets. I rolled over and cuddled into his side. Spencer's arm automatically wrapped around me and he pulled me closer to him to keep warm.

"Don't wanna move." I mumbled against his chest and felt him laugh above me. Spencer pulled my face up and kissed me. I must say although we didn't want mouth kisses at first because it can bring feelings that now that it happens and I know that I'm in love with him, I thoroughly love them. He must like them too as I felt a poking at my thigh. I reached my hand down and started palming him through his boxers. Spencer pushed his head back and rotated his hips slightly to give me better room. I slipped down lower to be able to get my mouth around him.

"God you look amazing." I could feel Spencer's stare on me as I started working my mouth around him. I was on my knees and off to the side as Spencer was now on his back. I felt his hand on the back of my thigh as my ass was in the air and my head was down. His hand moved farther up feeling the back swell of my ass and then he moved his hand sideways to pull my panties to the side.

"Please, Doctor." I whimpered as he teased me not separating my lips just ghosting over them slowly. Spencer put 2 fingers into me and then placed his thumb over my clit applying pressure. Spencer started moving his fingers in and out as I started to gag on his cock that was pressed to the back of my tongue. Spencer didn't move his thumb, only left it pressed against my clit as his fingers moved, making the feeling heightened.

"Such a fucking Cock slut for me." He growled as he started pushing up into my mouth. I gagged over and over again as he continued to pound his fingers into me, I could feel the need to let go slowly building and it wasn't until he pulled his fingers out and slapped my ass that I pulled away and let out a loud moan. I immediately came as Spencer started twitching in my mouth, I moaned against him and felt him spill into the back of my throat as I started to swallow. Spencer pulled away from me and I looked up to see he looked slightly mad.

"What's wro-"

"You didn't ask to cum, and we don't have enough time to get to the punishment so we will have to do that later. C'mon we gotta be in, and if you want good coffee I suggest we stop somewhere before we go in." I nodded with my eyes closed and then sat myself up on the edge of the bed. I felt like a disappointment. Like he didn't want me anymore and I don't think that I am supposed to feel like this. He usually is very dominant when I do things bad and this time it was just like I was talking to Spencer himself. I had just gotten dressed and headed to the door when I turned around and faced him.

"I'm sorry..." I felt my lip tremble and knew that a tear had slipped out because my vision got slightly blurry. I saw something flash through Spencers eyes and he shut the door again.

"Hey, shhh it's okay love. Mistakes happen that's why we have punishments. You will get yours later and it will all be okay. I'm sorry, we didn't have a lot of time for aftercare this morning and seeing you cry clearly means that you needed it. We can have all the cuddles later okay?" I nodded my head and gave him a hug before reaching up and placing a kiss on his cheek, I wiped my cheeks and then opened the door again to check the hallway and then we headed down to the lobby.

- -

We had just arrived at the police station and Hotch and Rossi were already there, JJ and Emily were pulling up behind us with Morgan driving. We walked in with everyone and saw Rossi and Hotch having a conversation in the conference room. Rossi looked worried and Hotch had a more serious face than normal which for some reason made me shiver. Hotch is always serious but when he looks like he may never smile again is when I feel nervous. Rossi put his hands up like he was shrugging and then Hotch sighed and came out of the room.

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