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Am I ready for this? I need to be, no scratch that I am. Me and Spencer are getting married today and I am freaking the fuck out. I have been wanting to get married since I was a kid, this is my dream, to have a family of my own and get married to the love of my life.

"Hi beautiful, how are you feeling?" Marissa, my sister , asked when she walked into my changing room. She has been so helpful and calming during this last week and I could not be more thankful.

"I don't know why I'm nervous, we have basically lived together since we started dating and that was like a year ago. I am so ready for this." I replied as I turned around to face her, we were half an hour away from the time that I needed to walk down the aisle.

"You are going to be fine, I assure you the nerves will fade away as soon as you see that gorgeous  man you love standing at the front of the church. Now let's get you into this dress." Marissa grabbed the dress off the hanger and walked over to me, I stepped into the dress and pulled it up above my chest. After the back was zipped I turned around and looked in the mirror admiring my dress before glancing at my dad to see he was wiping off some tears.

"You look absolutely beautiful, mija. I came in here because I wanted to give you this." He pulled a feminine watch out of his coat and showed it to me.

"Oh dad, it's beautiful."

"It was your Mamas. She wore this on her wedding day and I want you to wear it as something borrowed and something blue." I felt a single tear fall and looked up when my mom entered the room with Charlotte on her hip.

"I'm so glad you love it mija, it will look so beautiful on you." I smiled and took Charlie from her holding her in my arms. She was now 9 months old and we were having a blast watching her learn how to roll over and get on her hands and knees.

"Abuelita wanted to come but she had to stay back and be with papa. You know how he's doing right now, but she wanted me to give you these as your something old. It was the earrings grandpa gave her on her wedding day. It was her something new."

"And I told you I was buying you something new, which are these shoes. I hope you love them as much as I did when I saw them, I knew they would be perfect for today."

"You guys have done so much for me, thank you all so much!" The shoes are the most beautiful pair I have ever seen and I had no words once she opened the box. They were pure white heels with gold leafing and pearls on the backs on the heel winding down the stiletto. I felt my eye's tear up and held my head back to try and keep them in my eyes. I gave Marissa a hug and slipped them on my feet. I heard a knock at the door and Morgan came in with his eyes closed.

"Are you dressed?" I laughed and walked up to him and got an inch from his face.

"YES." I yelled and his eyes shot open as he jumped back.

"Shit Gabby, don't do that to me! Anyway, as best man it is my duty to bring you this." I watched him take an envelope out of his coat pocket and he handed it over to me. "Spencer wants you to read  this before you see him." I smiled at the mention of his name and held the envelope between my fingers. I gave Morgan a hug and he left the room with my family as I sat there by myself. I opened the letter and saw his messy handwriting and a smile broke out on my lips again.

To my beautiful Fiancé,

As you are reading this we are getting ready for the biggest day of our lives together. You will be my wife in less than an hour and I will be your husband. I can not wait to live the rest of our lives side by side, with many more adventures between work and our family.

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