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"Ugh noooooo go away." I grumbled as my alarm blared through my phone. I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Chance staring at me and doing the potty dance. I pulled myself up and out of bed and put some slippers on as I raced Chance down the stairs and to the back door. He won. I unlocked his doggy door so he could let himself in, turned on my coffee pot and went back upstairs to get ready. I picked out my clothes and started brushing my teeth, teeth before clothes because no matter how careful I will always spill toothpaste. I grabbed my white lace bra and matching panties. Then slipped into a baby blue v-neck and a tight black pencil skirt. I did my light makeup next and slightly curled the ends of my hair. As I was already running ahead of my normal routine I grabbed my keys and headed for Spencer's house.

The car ride there was quiet. Mostly listening to the wind come through the cracked open window. I stopped at the drug store since I was still a bit early and grabbed a few snacks to take with me today between my breaks. I walked through the store picking out some cheeze its, some protein bars and an energy drink to wash down the calories. I had just reached my car again and realized I was still 15 minutes early and Spencer's apartment was only a few minutes away. I guess I can go to Spencer's and wait for him. I got into the car and decided that it was a good idea.

I walked down the hallway until I saw the familiar numbers on the door in front of me. I knocked and waited and when he didn't answer I grabbed the nob and to my surprise It was already unlocked. I walked in and went over to the book shelf I saw here yesterday and was going to pick up what looked like a new book when I heard a noise, and as I turned around after pulling my hand back there he was, wrapped in a towel, his hair was damp and slowly dripping onto his chest. My eyes raked down his body as I saw a small patch of hair on his bare torso, where just below his waist was his towel part of it pushed out from his body. I don't think I was blinking or even remotely breathing correctly at this moment.

"You okay Gabby?" I gulped and looked back at his face. Where I could see the smug smirk and the joy that my pain was bringing him hidden in his face. I wanted nothing more at the moment than to touch him. His skin looked soft and toned at the same time. The towel was also not hiding anything. He looked huge, which only fueled the fire.

"I'm good yeah just uh tired, really tired." I lied and he laughed at me. I'm sure my flushed face was very visible and I cowered from the embarrassment and turned to sit on the chair in the living room. Spencer pushed his hair back and then turned around.

"Well give me about 15 minutes and I will be ready, coffee is in the kitchen help yourself." I nodded and got back up going to grab a cup. I was looking at Spencer's fridge when I saw a picture of him and a woman that looked to be his mother. She was tall like him, she had short blonde hair and they had the exact same smile. She looked so happy with him. I am thinking his mother and Spencer confirmed my thoughts when he walked into the kitchen.

"That's my mom. She lives in Vegas." I jumped slightly in his presence.

"That's nice, do you visit often?" Spencer shook his head as he took a sip.

"No, not as often as I should." I half smiled and started waking back into the living room after rinsing my cup out. Spencer seemed a little sad when he said that. I know that our job is demanding but I know if he asked they would let him go. her. It's also the option of if he even wants to. From what I've heard Spencer is slightly addicted to work. I opened the front door after grabbing my bag and Spencer followed me as we walked to the elevator.

"Are you ready for all this paperwork today?" Spencer laughed at my attempt in conversation. It was awkward as I basically just saw his dick and he didn't try and hide it. But I zoned back into the real world as his laugh echoed in the elevator. I loved his laugh. It was so cute, he always scrunched his nose and his eyes crinkled a little.

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