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Walking into the BAU is scary, there are so many people who all look much more qualified to work cases than a 28 year old grad student. I mean don't get me wrong this is my dream to be working with some of the top profilers I have heard of, learning that I would be working with Agent Rossi and Aaron Hotchner was a dream come true.

"Hi, can you tell me where SSA Hotchner's office is?" I slowly asked as I walked up to a skinny brown haired young man. He has the sweetest Hazel eyes that studied my face for a little longer that I would deem necessary but he looked sweet. He cleared his throat and then spoke.

"Uhm-m yeah, actually it's right up those stairs and the first door on your left. You must be Agent Gabriella Martinez, It's very nice to meet your acquaintance. I read your file and it's impressive. Oh by the way my name is Dr. Spencer Reid, we will be working on the same team. And you can call me Spencer by the way."

"Thank you.. Spencer."  I smiled as I thanked him as I strolled past him and up the stairs to talk to my new boss. I walked into the office and to my left was sitting Agent Hotchner and to my right was a very handsome chocolate skinned man on his phone laughing. I cleared my throat and gently knocked on the open door.

"Hello?" I asked quietly as I stood up straight again. Aaron spoke up and stood from his desk.

"Derek, will you excuse us? And you may come in." I walked in and 'Derek' walked out shutting the door behind him.

"Hi you must be Agent Hotchner, my name is Gabriella Martinez. It's nice to finally meet you." I spoke as we shook hands. I noticed he was now looking back down just like he was when I first got here. He shut the folders and gestured for me to sit down across from him. I took a seat and then he started. 

"Hello Ms. Martinez it's nice to see you, you can call me Hotch, I have read your file and I must say it is very impressive. Top of your classes and graduating with flying colors in the field training." I turned my head so he wouldn't see my blush. I turned back around and continued to talk with Hotch about what we would start by doing. "We can have you start with Reid so he can-" Hotch was cut short by a blonde woman walking into the office. She was very beautiful and honestly looked a bit intimidating at first.

"Hotch we have a case." Hotch swiftly walked out of the room after motioning me to follow him. I did just that and followed him into the conference room, there was a large round table and some people sitting at them that I have not met yet.

"Everyone this is Agent Gabriella Martinez, she will be joining the team and she starts now, Gabriella this is Penelope Garcia our tech analyst, Jennifer Jareau or JJ our team's liaison, Agent Rossi, and Agent Emily Prentiss you have already met Reid and Derek. You may all introduce yourselves either on the plane or before we take off, JJ what do we have." Hotch stopped talking and JJ stepped in.

"There is a case currently where our unsub is taking his victims, embalming them alive so that he can spend more time with them." JJ stopped talking for a second and I could feel someone staring at me and when I turned my head there was Spencer now looking at me dead in the eyes, I smiled at him and he quickly looked away. I smiled and looked down at the case file before me. JJ cleared her throat before she continued. "We have been requested in Washington." Hotch stood up, straightened his tie and spoke.

"Wheels up in 30." I got up and started for the door. I wanted to get to my car before we were needed at the tarmac, but I was stopped by Spencer saying my name.

"Hey Martinez.. Uhm, I was going to go grab coffee for everyone before we head to the plane, Hotch told me you would be sticking with me for this case, so I was wondering if you would like to go so we can become acquainted. " He smiles after he asks and sticks his hands into his pockets. I giggled inwardly at his rambling and his shyness.

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