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I sat up in bed and looked at the clock, seeing that it was 4am. I got up and headed into Charlotte's room to feed and change her then lay her back down since I woke up from the crying. I walked in and went over to her crib grabbing her and holding her in my arms while I walked downstairs to grab a bottle. She was screaming so hard she had forgotten to breathe a few times which is normal. I tried to soothe her while heading into the kitchen.

"Shh shh, I got you sweet girl. You're okay." I started shaking the bottle after adding the lid and she instantly calmed down at the sound of her milk. It has been 3 weeks since she left the hospital and she is doing amazing, she is gaining the right amount and eating 2 ounces more than when she left. I carried her upstairs while feeding her and sat in the rocking chair. I stopped feeding half way to burp her and then let her finish her bottle then burping her a second time.

"Lets get your but clean huh bug. Then you can go back to sleep." I changed her diaper and then rocked her back to sleep and placed her in the crib and went back to my bed. I slipped off my robe and slipped in cuddling up to Spencer's chest. I felt him run his hand up my back and rest comfortably on my shoulder before I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

- -

The next time I woke up I looked around and saw that Spencer wasn't in bed with me so I got up and put some clothes on before going to the bathroom and doing my morning duties and making my way downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw Spencer holding Charlie on his side while they were on the couch watching the history channel.

"Already filling her brain?" I laughed and headed into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Spencer has been obsessed with letting Charlotte listen to the History and Animal channels to fill her brain with statistics and facts.

"Gotta start em young." I got my coffee and headed into the living room when I heard Spencer's phone ringing. "Hey Rossi... yeah of course...... yeah we'll be there...... thank you."

"Rossi called you? He never calls." I said confused and Spencer looked nervous.

"Huh? Oh yeah I know right, well he invited us for a semi fancy lunch to congratulate Charlie on coming home. The whole team and their families will be there."

"Oh I'm so excited! Are you okay? You look pale babe."

"Me? Yeah, fine. I'm kinda hungry and haven't eaten since we woke up." I nodded my head and got off the couch.

"Well I'm going to go pick out an outfit for Charlotte and get a sink bath ready for her." I walked up the stairs and into C's room to pick out a dress for her to wear tonight. It was her night from what Spencer said and I wanted her to look the cutest she could. I finally got the perfect dress and then went into the bathroom and grabbed her bathing seat and put it in the sink. I started the warm water and let it run while I got out the bubbles and a rag.

"Someone is ready for her bath!" Spencer came in dancing with Charlotte laid on his shoulder. He started undressing her and then placed her into her bath seat. I submerged a rag into the warm water and squirted some baby 3 in 1 on the rag and started rubbing her legs and body. She was gurgling and blinking her eyes every time I touched her with the rag which made me giggle and then I started between her toes and fingers and under her neck. I held her neck in my hand and tipped her head back slightly to rub water over her scalp to wash the soap off of her without getting it in her eyes.

"Let's get you dressed sweetheart." Spencer took her into a towel and headed into her room to change her and put her clothes on. I started the shower after draining the sink and stepped in letting the scalding water wash over me. I jumped when Spencer pulled the curtain back and stepped in with me. "Don't worry, I put her down for a nap. She's okay, and the monitor is on the counter." I nodded and he turned us around so his back was to the water and my back was pressed to his chest.

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