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It has now been slightly over 7 months of working for the BAU, 7 months of knowing Spencer Reid and now only 2 weeks of knowing that he is more than my dom. The feelings I have are growing and I don't know what to do with all of the happiness and security I feel. I have only ever known hurt, and when something in my life is going so well, all I want to do is make it stop. But I don't think I want to this time, my mind just wants to get closer until it can't anymore and he is the one who pushes away. But he seems to like this just as much as I do.

"Oh shit, Gabby get up, we're late." I felt stirring in the bed next to me and saw Spencer grabbing his clothes from the floor. I got up and headed into my closet grabbing some slacks and a sweater. Reached into my draws and grabbed some panties and a lace bra to go with it. I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth and then my hair.

"I'm gonna go grab my go bag from the car." I shouted okay and walked further into the bathroom applying light makeup and throwing my hair into a messy bun, I washed my toothbrush off and rubbed some deodorant on. I headed back into my closet to re-pack my go bag just in case and grabbed a pair of boot heels to wear. I reached the kitchen and threw some bread into the toaster, I let chance out and started grabbing my belongings.

"Hey are you ready? I am making some toast, we will have to drink office coffee today." Spencer grimaced and then the toaster popped and Spencer grabbed it, dropping it onto a paper plate, I let chance back in and headed for the door. I slipped my boots on and then stopped.

"Wait!" I spun around and instantly felt Spencer's lips on mine. I hummed in approval and kissed back, placing my hands on his sides. I felt him rub his hands up and down my sides and then slip them down to my butt and squeezed before slapping the side of my ass and breaking the kiss.

"If you keep that up we are gonna call in Dr. Reid." Spencer smirked at me and kissed me again with his hand on the side of my neck. We walked out of my house, got into his car and headed toward Quantico. I was infatuated, all I could do was think about him, the way he talks, how funny he is, how he scrunches his nose and smiles at the smallest things. We were driving and he was smiling for no reason. His eyes were locked on the road in front of him and his hand was wrapped around mine.

"Gabby, we're here." I got out and we headed into the building, when we got to our floor we practically jogged into the conference room where everyone was already sitting. They all seemed to be staring at us as we walked through the door like we were in trouble. I realized I still had a bit of a blush on my cheeks so I cleared my throat and went around the table to sit down.

"Nice of you guys to finally join us." Derek smirked and I rolled my eyes. I sat down and JJ started the briefing. We were told that we are going to Georgia, there has been a series of men getting murdered all surrounding gay relationships. After JJ finished talking Hotch and JJ left the room to make some phone calls. I was gathering my iPad and notes before standing up and heading for the door. I was almost out of the door when Emily spoke up. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing there were going to be questions I didn't want to answer.

"So why were you two so late?" Emily asked while leaning her chin on her hand. She had a smirk on her lips and was almost giggling. At this point I'm sure everyone on the floor knew how in love I was with this man besides himself.

"Uhm there was a lot of traffic, and Reid drove slowly." I lied through my teeth hoping they would believe me. More than likely they would not.

"So it doesn't have anything to do with the hickey on your neck?" Derek grinned and my eyes widened. I reached up to my neck and felt the raised spot of skin under my jaw. My face felt hot and I just smiled at them and pulled my shirt up a bit so it wasn't visible anymore. I touched the other side with my other hand and it hurt to the touch knowing that there were some fingerprints on that side.

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