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2 Months Later

"Gabby what do you feel like having for dinner?" Spencer walked out of the kitchen into our living room. He was in sweats and no shirt waltzing around here looking for food to eat.

"I don't know but I am really feeling Doritos and sour cream right now." I have been having really weird cravings these last couple weeks some that I have never even thought of eating, that have included...

Ice cream and potato chips

Pickles and Peanut butter

Toast with cheese spread

Eggs and ketchup

Spencer laughed at me and grabbed his jacket and car keys before heading out of the house after giving me a short kiss. I started watching tv again when I started feeling our princess move around, whenever I feel her move it always brings me back to when Spencer felt her kick for the first time.


"Reid have you narrowed down the geography yet?" Hotch asked when he walked back into the conference room. We were in North Dakota right now and trying to find the serial rapist that was targeting college women. We had been following him for 3 days but haven't been able to get in front of him yet.

"Yeah, might seem weird but all of the women have one thing in common, they all go to a gro-" I gasped and held my bump cutting Spencer's sentence off, Spencer whipped his head towards me and worry crossed his face. "What, what happened? Are you okay? In any pain?" Spencer rapidly fired questions at me and I just laughed.

"No idiot, come here." Spencer walked over to me and I held out my hand for him to take. I grabbed his hand and laid it on my bump.

"Baby what are you doing?"

"Just wait." I said and not 10 seconds later she kicked again and Spencer's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Oh my gosh. That's our princess."

"Yeah, she's really in there." I smiled and placed my hand over Spencer's. He leaned down and gave my bump a kiss and gave me a short one as well before we were interrupted.

"So congrats but we do have a rapist to catch."

*End of Flashback*

I smiled at the memory and felt a sharp pain in my back. The doctor told me at last month's visit that braxton hicks (or false contractions) were very common in the last 2 months of pregnancy so I usually just lie down and let it pass which is what I am currently trying to do. I laid on the couch on my side and put a pillow between my legs.

"God I love you but man are you difficult." I murmured and rubbed my bump. A sharp jolt went through my lower back and hissed in pain when it lingered on my tailbone. I stood up and started walking around trying to get the pain to subside so I could lie back down and rest, but it wasn't going away. I pulled out my phone and dialed my emergency nurse that was on call at our doctor's office.

"Hi this is Becky, how may I help you?" Oh she sounded like she didn't want to be working tonight. This should be fun. Maybe she wasn't, maybe it was just the dire need to stop the pain that was making everything seem against me.

"Hi Becky this is Gabriella Martinez I am calling because I have been having a few Braxton hicks but they are 10x harder than they normally are."

"Alright, do you know how to take a pulse?" I'm not stupid.

"Yes I do."

"Alright go ahead and place your fingers on your pulse point and count and I will tell you when to stop counting." I nodded and told her that I was ready and she started her time. A minute later she told me to stop and tell me the number.

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