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2 Weeks later.

"Hi Jenna, how is she today?" Me and Spencer had just arrived at the hospital as visiting hours opened and stood at the front desk waiting to be checked in so we could go see our girl. I was let out a week ago and that was the hardest day of my life so far. Leaving my baby behind while I couldn't be with her 24/7 to see her with my own eyes and see that she is okay.

"Good as of now, been eating slightly less than we want but she is still eating." I frowned and grabbed Spencer's hand pulling him with me to the room where Charlotte was with her 3 other roommates. I went over to her incubator and set my bags down. I walked over to the sink with Spencer following me. I grabbed the bar of soap scrubbing my arms up to my elbows for 4 minutes before alternating and doing the other arm.

"How is she today?" I asked Elizabeth who was her full time nurse along with Jenna, I wanted Elizabeth's answer as well since they both take care of Charlotte. She smiled at me and walked over as I took a seat near the opening of the incubator and sticking my hand in and resting my finger in the palm of her tiny hand, her fingers wrapped themselves around mine and I smiled.

"She's good, she is digressing a little more than we wanted, losing weight is normal after birth but she has stopped eating as much as she was, which should be the opposite. We will be keeping an eye on her for the next few days and if there is no improvement doctor has suggested possibly inserting a feeding tube." I laid my head on my arm and sighed everything was going so well these last 2 weeks should have known something was bound to fuck up.

"What will that mean for Charlie? Will she eventually go back to regular bottle feeding?" Spencer finally spoke up, these last 2 weeks have taken a toll on him mentally, with leaving Charlie at the hospital and having to help the team on cases from home, also physically with helping me around the house because of my incision. I feel so bad that he has to do all this because of my body, he keeps assuring me that he would have it no other way and that he loves me more than I know. I believe him. Doesn't mean seeing him tired all of the time hurts any less.

"This is all only if she does not improve, but we will still be feeding her by bottle and what nutrients she does not receive we will feed through the tube, we have done this several times with several different babies. Other than the eating she is doing well, she is developing like we had planned and is having good bowels."

"She will be okay baby, sooner rather than later she will be home with us wreaking havoc in our lives and I want nothing other than to wake up at 3am with you to help feed and change her." I pulled him to me and put my hand on his face caressing his cheekbone with my thumb. I pressed a kiss to his lips and he kissed back immediately smiling as I poked his lips with my tongue. "I love you Spencer Reid."

"I love you Gabriella Martinez." He whispered and stuck his hand in the lower opening holding Charlie's foot between his forefinger and thumb while running his thumb over her toes and smiling to himself.

- -

"C'mon baby, we will see her tomorrow and you need some sleep." Spencer took my hand and pulled me slowly towards the door, this was the hardest time of everyday. When I had to leave her here with the nurses, I trusted them completely but she needed me. I whipped a tear that fell from my eye and shrugged my jacket on and grabbed Spencer's hand following him out of the room and to the elevator. I was beyond stressed these past few days especially and now having the information that Charlie might need a feeding tube was only adding to it.

"Spencer, can we get ice cream?" It was my comfort desert and I needed some mint chip in my life.

"Of course princess. How about after, I will take you home...and take care of you." Spencer whispered the last part to me and I giggled like a highschooler with a crush.

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