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"Are you ready to do this?" Spencer asked as we were getting ready in our room. I had wanted to tell the girls about our pumpkin for the last 3 weeks but I couldn't. I wanted to tell the whole team at one time. Like a surprise. It was going to be a surprise either way. We weren't even expecting this. We were telling everyone today.. That was just sinking in. Everyone is going to know. What if they judge or are mad at us? "You okay?" I nodded slowly not knowing if I was actually believing myself.

"Gonna be sick." I rushed towards the bathroom and felt Spencer behind me rubbing my back. "Sorry just overthinking, the idea of people not being happy for us made me physically sick." I said and got off the floor, I flushed the toilet and started brushing my teeth for the second time today.

"They will be overjoyed I promise. The girls will be buying our little one all of the clothes that they can find, Derek will be trying to get me to let him care for them even though he has no kid experience whatsoever. And Rossi will be trying to buy us a nanny or something like that." Reid said and I smiled.

"What about Hotch? He already didn't like the idea of us being a couple." Hotch scared me to no end when we were in a work environment. He was strict in the office even if he is the most caring guy when we are at parties or with the team as a "family" type thing.

"He will be over protective and will probably not let you do as much field work. And honestly I will agree with him. You can do it on mild cases but on our high risk ones I would prefer if you stayed at the station. I can't risk you and the baby." I nodded agreeing with him as I too do not want to risk the baby being hurt. I walked out of the bathroom after finishing my teeth and walked into the closet grabbing a button up and some navy blue slacks to pair with it. I grabbed my heels and headed back to the room slipping everything on.

"You down here?" I asked and rounded the corner of the living room to find Spencer in the kitchen buttering some toast and our togo coffee cups filled and ready to go. I grabbed my piece of toast that Spencer had sprinkled some cinnamon on and my coffee and headed towards the front door. Spencer grabbed the keys and we headed to the car. Our drive was a little longer than normal, just driving as we pleased instead of being in a rush.

"It's going to be a good day I promise. Stop looking so worried angel. It's bad for the pumpkin." I nodded my head and Spencer kept driving, tapping his fingers with the music.

"Here already." I pulled my bag from the back, getting unbuckled and heading into the building with my hand laced with Spener's. We walked through the lobby waving Hi to the security after we scanned our badges and headed to the elevators. The doors slid open after the ding and we walked out and pushed open the glass doors to the bullpen.

"Are you really ready for this?" Spencer was holding my hands in his and looking directly into my eyes to make sure I wasn't lying to him. The only thing that I can not hide from him as a profiler is my emotions. My ability to lie to people about my emotions was outstanding and I could no longer do that. Spencer had me figured out and no doubt every twitch and fidget that I did memorized.

"Yes, I want everyone to know before we go on winter vacation to Michigan, are you ready?" I only ask because Spencer tends to be more nervous with things like this, being put on the spot. The last time he told me about doing something like this was when Maeve had gone missing and he had to open his life up to the team and tell them personal things. This was the opposite feeling of that day. This was going to be a happy day for us and the team and I just needed to know that he was okay with being this open with everyone.

"Yes I am actually excited believe it or not, I'm going to be a dad." I could see the excitement and adoration in his eyes. We walked up the stairs to Hotch's office and knocked. My stomach started doing flips. I knew I was ready for this, to let people know. But it was also so nerve racking.

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