Where are they taking me? Her mind raced with questions as she was forced to follow along behind the much taller soldiers. Would she grow up to be as tall as them? She was only six and she already reached their shoulders in height, though she believed that was because of her SkyWing blood. She was told often back on Pyrrhia that she did have more of her mother's genetics rather than her fathers.

The soldiers surrounded her on all sides as the HiveWing with the golden hoop earring confined to lead her down the hallway. The group was walking slowly from what Robin had noticed, almost as though they were worried about possibly making her trip as she hobbled after them on her three good limbs, her tail and wings helping her to keep her balance for when ever she felt unsteady.

Soon enough, they made it into a large room, one that was very airy and felt open. Large windows that let in golden rays of sunlight. Tall pillars of tree-stuff reached up as though they were holding up the roof above them, webs of silk wrapped around them, the sunlight making them seemingly sparkly.

Embedded within the sparkling silk and strong tree-stuff looked to be strings of gold, seemingly woven within the other materials and sparkling along side the silk. Some jewels even looked to be embedded along side the gold.

On the other side of the airy room was a throne, one with a pattern similar to that of a honeycomb. The throne was made of gold and tree-stuff, the back of it stretching outwards like branches within a much canopy, though the leaf's were made of gold.

Beside the throne was something that made Robin's stomach twist in a fit at the sight. She could already guess what it was for.

Beside the unoccupied throne was what looked to be a small tree made of tree-stuff, a few fake golden leaf's scattered across it, almost as though the tree-stuff tree were going through a shed of it's leaf's much like some of the tree's in the Sky Kingdom when the weather started to get colder.

Attached to one of the tree-stuff branches was a golden band wrapped tightly around one of the bare branches, a golden hoop attached to it.

The HiveWing with the golden hoop earring lead her over to the fake tree, having to pull Robin with a light tug whenever the dragonet would try and dig her talons into the floor. Soon, she was being gently nudged up into the tree, being positioned as though she were resting within it and not being forced to look like nothing more than an art piece.

"I know this must not be the funnest thing in the world," the HiveWing soldier with the golden hoop started to say, her voice soft as though she were trying to make it to where only she and Robin would hear. "But just stay still and don't act up, and I'll see if I can get you something special as a reward."

A reward? For what? Behaving like some pet? She wanted to snap at the HiveWing soldier, but she pushed that down in order to speak normally, but quietly.

"Why do I need to be here?" Might as well see if I can get anything out of this, maybe anything to help Lychee. Robin told herself as she watched the HiveWing. I'll be like some kind of spy for him! Yeah!

"The Queen wants to show you off, so just, act pretty and you'll be fine."

"But I'm a dragon!" Robin hissed with a lash of her tail before it coiled around a branch. "Why should I be treated like a pet? I'm no scavenger to be put in a cage and observed!"

The HiveWing frowned as she looked at Robin, a sympathetic look within her solid black eyes.

"The Queen sees you as something new, and she likes new things but she doesn't like the hive as a whole to really like new things."

I like new things, she thought as she remembered how she would always go searching for new things around her village. Any shells that would've washed in from the ocean, filtering into the river just outside of the edge of town. Searching for new and shiny rocks to show her grandfather so he could tell her what they are and where they could've came from.

Wings of Fire; Beyond The SeaWhere stories live. Discover now