"This is just a little extra pro caution to make sure you don't get away, we wouldn't want to lose someone like you." To lose someone like me? Those words made Robin start to question if she would even be able to get out of this place. If the Queen was going to make sure she stays, then Robin started to doubt if she'd be able to make any escape attempts, especially with her broken wrist jay was cradled against her chest. "Now would we?" Queen Hornet hissed with a flicker of her tongue.


The days seemed to tick by ever so slowly, merging together in a link that made it feel as though three days were only one, a really long day that seemingly stretched in forever.

Robin doesn't know how long she'd been trapped within the small room, never being let out, but never being left alone either. She could always hear the guards outside her door, she never knew how many, but she could only guess it was four, though there could be more that just never spoke or made any noise.

Each day she was brought multiple servings of food, a serving of fruits and, for the first time since arriving on Pantala, she was given meat. It tasted amazing, it was also cooked. She thought she'd never eat meat again, and eating it only made her want more since she'd been unable to eat any for so long. SkyWing's and NightWing's were mainly carnivorous, so her only eating fruit and vegetables for over a year started to take its tool on her, making her feel lighter and even a little skinnier than she was used too.

Each time she was brought food, the golden head harness would be take off of her and she'd be able to eat, though two soldiers sat within the small room with spears in their talons, the ones that looked as though their hooks were IceWing talons. She could feel their burning gazes boring into her during her meals, and that's what she currently felt as she ate.

With her wrapped broken wrist, now that had a slink with her request, huddled close to her chest, she used her other free and uninjured to hold any fruit or meat she ate. The fruits did taste a little dry, especially compared to the fruits she had when she'd visit her grandparents. The meat was cooked well, even if a little on the raw side, but it still tasted good none the less.

I wish they'd stop staring at me, she thought with a flick of her tail as she ate.

The two HiveWing soldiers eyes weren't white like before, showing they weren't under the influence of the hive mind, and she wasn't under the watch of the queen.

As soon as she finished her food, one of the soldiers started to put the golden harness back on while the other gathered her wooden tree stuff tray and any left overs. Once they were done, they left her room, which felt more like a glorified cage, leaving her alone aside from the soldiers posted outside the tree stuff door.

I'm going to go mad in here, Robin told herself as she stood up and looked out the golden barred window that looked out into the middle of Pantala, the other hives could be seen far off in the distance. The sun that was off behind them, outlining them in a golden glow that made them seem welcoming and friendly, when in reality they were just large cages.

At least to Robin they were, since she was trapped within one with no clear way out.

The time ticked by as the dragonet looked out the window, hardly even noticing as the sky started to turn a warm orange and pink as the sun slowly started to set within the horizon. Robin was lost within her own thoughts, just...


Thinking about everything that had happened, and everyone she knew. The dragonet thought about the SilkWing's, how they took care of her and were like another family to her.

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