Robin turned her attention back over towards Cavansite, the sparkling blue SilkWing walking at a quick and nervous pace, his antenna pinned down and wrapped around his horns, almost as if he thought that if he let them uncurl, something would snap at them and rip them off.

"What's a honey drop?" She asked, wanting to distract him and herself from the prying eyes of the HiveWing soldiers that watched them from their post.

"It's a kind of candy." He told her softly as he looked back at her from over his shoulder.

"A candy? What's a candy?"

"You don't know what candy is?" He stopped and looked at her with wide eyes that showed his disbelief like you were looking through a window.

"Um, no?" she tilted her head. "What? Is it something important?"

"No, it's like a treat," Lychee offered as he nudged her slightly to keep her moving which in turn snapped Cavansite from his trance and he too turned to keep walking to where ever he was leading them within the Bloodworm Hive. "It's a really sweet food that you shouldn't eat to much of or you could get sick, and there's all kinds of candies you can buy."

"How many?" She asked, her ears perking up. Her mind was starting to push away the thought of the watching HiveWings while she focused more on this thing called 'candy', which, sounded rather stupid but if it tasted sweet like the fruits in the rainforest, then she wanted to try them all!

"Lots. There's honey drops, sugar insects, nectar vials, sugar cubes, apricot taffy, honey sticks, chocolate stars with orange peals, pink and lavender candies." Lychee listed off before Cavansite butted in.

"Don't forget about the sugar-spun artwork!"

"Yes, the sugar-spun artwork," Lychee rolled his eyes in an affectionately teasing way, the SilkWing not noticing as they kept walking. "I think you just see them as art work rather than candy."

"They're really pretty and some dragon must've had to have worked hard on them, so I'd like to appreciate it thank you very much." Cavansite stuck up his nose slightly before he heard Lychee laugh lightly, the SilkWing joining in with a slight chuckle of his own.

The three of them continued on their way until they stopped outside of some sort of small dome like building made of hexagons that looked similar to the honey comb like rooms that ran up all over the walls within this section of the hive. There was a small door that was a golden honey yellow and looked to just be tall enough for a HiveWing to walk through.

"I'll go get us some treats and get out quickly so we can head back home, okay? Don't go anywhere you two." Lychee smiled before he opened the door that jingled slightly in greeting before he slipped away inside, the door soundlessly closing behind him after his tail slipped out of its way.

"Why don't we all go in?" Robin couldn't help but ask as she sat down to wait beside Cavansite.

"HiveWing's run this shop, and most of the time SilkWing's have to wait for any HiveWing that comes in before they get what they ordered. So it's faster if Lychee goes in to get what we want, but only if he wants too." He added in the last part quickly, almost as though he were reminding himself about that fact.

As if he needed to remember it.

"Why? Shouldn't who ever was first get their things first?" She frowned.

"Oh in most cases yes!" He nodded with a twitch of his antenna before he continued with a small flutter like twitch of his sparkling wings. "But with HiveWing's, they always go first! It's a way to show respect for what they've done for us."

What they've done for us? What'd they do? She wondered before she opened her mouth to ask him another question regarding her thought.

"What'd the HiveWing's do?"

"They keep us here where we're protected and kept safe. They keep us fed and in return we help work for them and show our respect to them by always letting them go first."

"That's not telling me what they've done." She pointed out with a twitch of her tail. Her wings wanted to twitch in response as well, but she kept them stiffly tucked against her sides to keep them hidden beneath the scarlet red and gold lined cloth that was wrapped around her like a cloak some SandWing's would often be seen wearing if their hood were down.

"They've saved us from the LeafWing's who wanted to take over Pantala decades ago. They killed our queen and tried to take us over, but the HiveWing's protected us and since we no longer had a queen and aren't known for our fighting skills, we let ourselves be ruled over by their queen and ever since then we've been kept safe from those awful dragons who still linger within the shadows of Pantala."

"LeafWing's? What are those?" That peeked her interest even more. There was another tribe she didn't know about?! How many are there?!

"There a tribe who we all try to forget about and see as nothing more than monsters from the past, though," he hummed. "There are still few hat have been spotted on Pantala. No one knows if they're really still around, if they're just some dragons imagination playing tricks on them, or if there really are some of them left after the war."

"What happened to them?" She cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

"Well," he smiled, it looked as though he loved telling Robin the history that belonged to Pantala. Caterpillar loved to tell her history but not as much as Cavansite seemed to. "During the war, the HiveWing's cut down and burned trees around the hives to make it harder for the other tribe to sneak up on them. Soon, all of the trees were gone expect for a singular jungle at the edge of Pantala," he paused almost as though it were for dramatic effects of some sort. "The poison jungle."

Robin's golden yellow eyes were wide in curiosity as she continued to listen to the story.

"It's a jungle so dangerous that no dragon who has entered it has ever made it out alive. Because of this, the LeafWing's had no where to go and their numbers continued to diminish until none were left, though apparently some are still spotted but it's probably just little dragonets scared of the tale who are imagining things."

They sound evil, Robin thought. Like the bad guy in a story! Before Robin could speak up and tell Cavansite about her comparison, a new voice spoke up, one that was unfamiliar and didn't sound good.

"Well lookie what we have here."

This chapter was finished a lot sooner than I thought it would be.

I had quite a bit of time to work on it today since I finished up my history work for the day within an hour, which surprised me.

I don't have much to say about this chapter, so I just hope you all enjoyed it!

- MindlessTyper

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