"Mhm," Lavender nodded as her frills fanned out slightly, almost as though trying to show them off, or make up for any twitches her wings would've done. Robin noticed that Lavender's frills seemed to be trying to make up for the loss of her wings. Fluttering when ever she was happy, fanning out when she was angry, or going stiff when she's nervous.

Having frills would be so cool! She couldn't help but think as she continued to listen to her aunts story.

"Slowly but surely, I was able to move and talk again, but I could never use my wings. They don't work anymore. So, to keep them from dragging on the floor, I've got them all bandaged up!" The RainWing-NightWing hybrid smiled with a twitch of her frills.

Robin's mind seemed to push the memory away and pulled her back into the present. The dark, scary and weird present that was just black. She couldn't move her body, which made her heart spike in pace, going faster in a panic. Her breathing tried to keep up, but it was hard enough to breath, and this just wasn't helping her in the slightest.

Come on Robin, breath! She told herself as she sucked in a breath, or, well, as much as she could anyways with her breathing being nothing more than pained wheezing and weak and desperate gasps.

The dragonet continued to attempt to calm herself, though her heart continued to loudly pound within her chest, its rapid beat seemingly ringing within her ears.

After a few moments, she could feel herself fading in and out of consciousness, soon, being swallowed by the darknesses that seemed to surround her from all sides and swallow her whole, letting her slip away into a dreamless and panicked slumber as her body slowly calmed itself down as she slept.


"What is it?"

"I don't know, it looks like some kind of weird dragon."

"A dragons with only one set of wings! How crazy is that!"

"I thought only LeafWing's had one set of wings, and aren't they, I dunno, green?"

Robin came back to her senses as she heard voices around her, two to be exact. One that sounded masculine and another that sounded feminine.

Only one set of wings? She thought as she tried to clear her head which only pounded heavily in protest. She let out a groan, which in turn made the two strange dragons jump, she could hear their talons shuffling and moving on the warm sand not to far away from her. She could even feel their shadows casted down atop of her.

"They're still alive!" The masculine one exclaimed, almost sounded surprised, shocked.

"We should get them back to the hive, let Caterpillar take a look at them."

"Won't we get in trouble? We should take them to some HiveWings, they'll know what to do."

"Oh come on Cavansite!" The female voice hissed. "And let them do what? Poke and prod at them! They look to just be a dragonet! Hardly look any older than three."

"I know that bu-"

"And besides, Caterpillar will know what to do."

"Cinnabar, I don't know if this is a good idea."

"You never think any of my ideas are good ideas."

Robin felt strong, and reassuring talons carefully grab her shoulders and lift her up, cradling her against a dragons chest, presumably the one named Cinnabar. She let out another groan with a wince, her head pounding at the sudden movement.

"Careful!" The male, Cavansite, exclaimed in a worried tone. "You could hurt them even more!"

"I know what I'm doing your worrying worm!"

Wings of Fire; Beyond The SeaWhere stories live. Discover now