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Kiyoko gently shakes you awake causing you to jump from your seat.

"Oh-- Huh?" You glance around just seeing the empty seats of a bus.

"We're at the school. The boys already grabbed everything else, we just needed to get you up." Kiyoko explains seeing the confused look on your face.

"Right." You stumble up out of your seat, grasping onto the headrest to stable yourself as a yawn causes you to wobble.

"You okay senpai?" Yachi questions, eyeing your figure unsurely.

Your eyes slide open and you send Yachi a lazy smile "All good Yacchan," The hand not holding onto the headrest raises as you give the girl a thumbs up "So don't worry!"

She may not be able to share the same feelings as them (them being the other girls in the school) but It's then that Yachi understands why the girls in the school seem to have taken such a liking to you, your boyish charm was undeniable. A small blush decorates Yachi's cheeks as a determined light takes over her eyes "Right! Whatever you say senpai!" Yachi gives you a salute before running off the bus.

You and Kiyoko share a look, "Do you know why she-?"

Kiyoko shakes her head "Nope."

"Right, well." You look away from Kiyoko with a sigh "Like you said, everyone's waiting for us, so we should go."

Kiyoko doesn't say anything but begins her decent down the stairs small walkway before stepping down the stairs and out of the bus, you following her example. As usual there is a meeting about the games today and then a certain team flashes in your mind.



And then you need to put Ushiwaka in his place, once and for all.

You step off the bus to see the rest of the team, once he sees you there Ukai starts giving the team instructions. "Now that everyone's here we're going straight into a meeting at the gym!"

You join Yachi and Kiyoko towards the back of the line, trying your best to ignore Hinata and Kageyama's conversation about Hinata drooling all over Kageyama's shoulder.

"Oh, they're here!" You like everyone else turns to the person who yelled out to see the third year, Michimiya, Mao Aihara, and one other girl from the girl volleyball team run up to the male volleyball team. "Congrats on making it to the finals!" Michimiya says as the three finally reach you all.

"Oh, Michimiya, how did you know?" Daichi ask turning towards the girl.

"They just announced it on the school announcements," Michimiya leans forwards before raising her first in the air in celebration "That's amazing! You guy's defeated Seijoh to go to the finals! That's so... so... Amazing! It's so out there!

"Your lack of vocabulary is out there." Mao teases Michimiya lightheartedly.

Michimiya laughs lightheartedly before she notices Daichi's bruise "Wait, your face! That bruise!"

Daichi gently touches the tender area "Yeah, it happened at the match today. It looks a lot worse than it actually feels."

Michimiya's face softens at Daichi's explanation "Right..." A small blush comes over Michimiya's face "Well, uh," Michimiya's face turns even redder as he begins to reach out. Your eyes narrow as she does Oh hell no.

You quickly interrupt the moment by cupping your hands over your mouth and shouting out "Mina!!"

The pink haired girl quickly proceeds with the plain once she hears you all. "You guys!! Do it now!!"

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