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That was the first team you all will be playing today. The team that just so happened to be one of the top four from the inter-high prelims and that happened to house Mr. flirty tongue piercing guy aka Terushima.

The game starts of with Asahi doing a jump serve. Johzenji 's number 7 manages to receive it although it goes flying up and their libero dives to cover. With the ball still in the air Terushima rushes after it before jumping up and spiking, the ball landing on the floor of an unprepared Karasuno's court.

You let out a small 'woah' in surprise. "And all the way from the end line? I'm almost," Your lips quirk up into a small smile, one that further proves that you and Oikawa Tooru are relate. Both of you have that same smug smirk "Upset that Karasuno will put an end to their eccentric plays."

While you were mumbling to yourself Yachi, due to her standing pretty close to you, heard every word you said and saw your lips tug up into that smug smirk. Her face pales and she robotically turns back tot he match. It seems all the males on this team had scary sides to them.

After Johzenji scores the first point they serve the ball. Asahi easily receives it and sends it to Kageyama who set's Tanaka up for a spike. Tanaka slams the ball down but Johzenji's number two keeps the ball from falling by shooting his hand out, his knuckles coming in contact with the ball.

The ball flies right into the net and begins to fall. Number three reaches out an arm to try and save the ball but when his arm fall's short he uses his foot to kick the ball back into the air before another member of the team spikes the ball back into Karasuno's court.

Due to Johzenji scoring yet again number two is up to serve again. As he prepares himself to serve you can't help but notice this is the same dude that blocked off your exit when Terushima was hounding you for your number.

The whistle blowing brings you out of your thoughts and you zone back in to see Johzenji's number two serve right into the net. The team however is all smiles and laughs as they ruffle number two's hair and, as you assume, crack jokes about his missed serve. Once Johzenji calms (mostly due to the referee blowing his whistle at them) the group calms and hands the ball off.

This time it's Tsukishima who's up to serve. Once he does it's a series of smooth moves on Johzenji's part. A receive, a set, and a spike. However as the ball zooms past Karasuno Johzenji reveals their ability to execute normal attacks. A quick being the first demonstrated.

Johzenji serves once more. The ball hit's the net once more although this time it rolls over to Karasuno's side before it plummets. Tanaka, without missing a beat, dives for the ball and digs it up. The ball soars into the air and Hinata springs into action. Hinata jumps up as well and stretches out an arm the ball colliding into it and flying back up into the air.

Seeing that Hinata was about to collide into a wall you and Yachi both let out a yell warning the red headed first year. Hinata acts quickly and somehow twist in the air so he lands feet first pushing off the wall and turning his body back around so when he lands he will land on his feet like a cat. Knowing that Hinata is safe you turn your eyes back to the ball to see it's now falling.

Before you can even blink Nishinoya dashes towards the ball and digs it up. The ball sailing across the court and landing on Johzenji's side of the court.

You let out a sigh of relief before yelling out "Great job you two! Nice save Noya!"

The libero turns and gives you a grin along with a thumbs up which causes your cheeks to dust red as you give him a thumbs up in return.

"Well, that was definitely surprising," You turn around hearing the familiar voice to see two figures you recognized quite well. Once again it was Aone, although this time there was Futakuchi there too. The former being the one that was speaking. "But Karasuno hasn't done their ridiculous attack yet."

Before anything else could be said the whistle blew and you all's attention returned to the game. Kageyama was serving. As usual the setter preforms a jump serve. Johzenji's number four receives it however it goes a little long and look's like it could be a chance ball for Karasuno.

Number three jumps into the air and nudges the ball back to Johzenji's court and someone is already there to spike the ball. Kageyama manages to get a hand on the ball and it goes back over. Johzenji spikes again but this time Daichi is there with a stable receive. When Kageyama get's the ball Hinata is already a blur. Knowing what's next a small grin comes over your face as Hinata slams the ball onto the other side of the court.

The excited noises of the crowd at seeing Hinata and Kageyama's quick are all but dulled as you and a certain orange clad libero meet eyes. His smile gets even wider and as he stands there staring up you with that stupid smile, and those bright brown eyes you know your totally and utterly fucked.

Once again you admit to yourself.

You, Oikawa Y/N, were stupidly and totally crushing on Nishinoya Yuu.

Uhhh, pls if you know what songs are on the same nostalgia level as hey there delilah, ophelia, jessie's girls, and don't stop believin', i'm tryna make a playlist.
Not wattpad fucking up the chapter order (chapter 4 is the first chapter you see instead of chapter 1) and it's pissing me off.
Also, not me seriously considering making another Haikyuu x male reader book.

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