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Right off the bat, Kageyama has to serve. Unusually though was the, what you think was, the smile on his face.

"Kageyama, remember to relax!" Ah, good ole Takeda sensei.

The smile on his face disappears and is replaced with his usual straight faced look.

Kageyama puts on a focused look, one that you recognize, Tooru too. Evident by the gasp he let's out.

"One point and he's gone!" Tooru calls out to his team.


The whistle blows and Kageyama throws the ball up and runs before jumping and slamming it down. The ball flies to Seijoh's side and Watari clumsily receives the ball causing it to fly out and hit the wall.

17 Karasuno
17 Aoba Johsai

Kageyama does another jump serve this time Hajime dives and receives the ball.

"Sorry, cover!" Hajime yells out as Watari runs to get the ball before it falls.

Watari manages to bumb the ball back in bounds and Hanamaki bumps the ball into Karasuno's court.

"A chance ball!" Nishinoya runs underneath the ball before making a receive and sending the ball to Kageyama, without even a word Kageyama sets to Hinata who spikes the ball down scoring a point for Karasuno with the duos freak quick attack.

"Their using hand signals."

18 Karasuno
17 Aoba Johsai

Yet again Kageyama executes a jump serve but this time Hajime manages a stable receive. The ball goes right to Tooru who sets up Hanamaki for a spike, the ball flies downwards and Kageyama is not able to dig it up in time.

Once again Karasuno and Aoba Johsai are tied.

The ball gets batted back and forth from court to court but eventually Karasuno makes it to twenty points, seijoh not far behind.

20 Karasuno
19 Aoba Johsai

Nishinoya and Tsukishima switch out and you can feel the tension between them, even over here.

The whistle blows and Hinata serves up the ball... right into the net. Lucky for him it goes over to Seijoh's side but Matsukawa dives to dig it up, which he does. The ball flies over to Karasuno and it's a chance ball. Daichi receives it and sends the ball to Kageyama who sets the ball to Asahi. Asahi slams the ball into Tooru and Matsukawa's block the ball flies off of Tooru's hands and lands out of bounds.

21 Karasuno
19 Aoba Johsai

Seijoh calls a time out.

Once again you hand out towels and water to the team.

"When number 10 goes back and number 11 comes to the front row, Karasuno does fewer center attacks." Matsukawa announces.

Tooru looks up from tying his shoes and looks at the other third year "Yeah, it could simply be that Tobio doesn't like the beanpole. Just like yesterday's game they don't seem to be communicating in today's game. I think of all Karasuno's spikers, Tobio finds the beanpole the hardest to work with."

Matsukawa looks away from Tooru "Now I know I never want to be friend with you."

"Why not?!"

"You'd ferret out my weaknesses." Hanamaki adds in with a disapproving tone.

"Why would I want to learn the weakness of a team mate." Tooru yells out.

A small smile comes over your face as you decide to fan the flames "You do it all the time when I help you with Volleyball practice."

"Eh? I do not!"

The whistle blows and you get the towels and water back as you head back to the bench.

The game continues and much like Tooru said Kageyama and Tsukishima don't speak. When Kageyama sets balls to Tsukishima it's obvious that the blond is having trouble hitting them.

Aoba Johsai ties with Karasuno.

Karasuno calls a time out.

Once again water and towels are handed out, you chat with the team until the whistle blows. You all clean up and they head back to the court as you head back to the bench.

After the time out Karasuno seems to have their grove back.

The ball is sent up to Kageyama who sets the ball to Tsukishima. Tsukki jumps up high and looks like he's about to spike it down as hard as he can but instead gently hits it with the heel of his palm. A feint. Watari dives for the ball but is unable to get, Karasuno earns another point.

Once again the ball makes it's way to Tsukishima and once again he does a feint but this time Watari gets a hand on the ball and digs it up.

This time when Kageyama get's the ball he sends it to Asahi who slams through the blockers, scoring Karasuno another point.

Seijoh takes the point back with a spike from Matsukawa.

23 Karasuno
22 Aoba Johsai

Once again Kageyama sets to Tsukishima and once again the tall blond does a feint and Watari is ready for it. The blue clad libero dives for the ball and easily digs it up.

Tooru sends the ball to Kindaichi who spikes the ball between the whole in Kageyama and Tsukishima's block. However Tanaka is there to receive the ball before it can hit the ground.

The ball heads to Kageyama and your sure the first year setter would send it to the ace but instead he sets the ball to Tsukishima.

Watari runs forward and Irihata stands up. "No, hold your positions!"

Watari stops immediately and Tsukishima spikes the ball hard, this time it's not a feint. Watari holds up his hands and the ball bounces off of them and flies out of bounds.

Irihata sits down "We were watching so hard for a feint, our defense pressed too far forward," Irihata crosses his arms, his usual position while watching a game, "They got us."

24 Karasuno
22 Aoba Johsai

The ball is put into play and before you know it Tooru's setting the ball to Hajime who evades a block from Kageyama and Tsukishima, scoring Seijoh a point.

24 Karasuno
23 Aoba Johsai

Tooru bounces the ball and you can feel Karasuno freezing up.

If Tooru get's a service ace then both teams will be at set point and even if Karasuno get's another point it wouldn't be a win. If Tooru got two services aces in a row, it'll be over for Karasuno.

"You are facing the guy who's second on the list of people you want to humiliate! Give it all you got."

"I know." Tooru continues to prepare himself for a serve and Hajime nods, knowing what he said worked.

Tooru does his jump serve aiming to the right of Nishinoya, nice and close to the line, but still in bounds.


Nishinoya springs into action at his captains call and dives for the ball, the ball bounces off Nishinoya's arms and flies back to Seijoh's side.

"Chance ball!" Watari runs to where the ball will land and gets into the receiving form. The ball bounces off of Watari and right to Tooru. Tooru Hajime and Kindaichi jump up. Kageyama grabs Tsukishima by the back of his jersey to keep him from jumping to block Kindaichi and Kageyama pulls Tsukishima with him and both jump to block Hajime.

The ball hit's the floor and the whistle blows.

25 Karasuno
23 Aoba Johsai

Karasuno took the second set.

Someone PMed me and no, Tooru does not have a brother complex 😭

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