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The two teams are always careful not to interact before a match starts, especially because of the tension between the two setters, but you couldn't really care less.

"Psst! Tanaka!" The skinhead looks to you who's standing awfully close to Karasuno's side with a raised eyebrow.


"I'm sure you already know this, but make sure to get under the ball when you receive, you know how powerful Tooru's serves are so just do your best, yeah?"

Tanaka laughs "I got this Y/N just you wait and see! Mr. Slim won't stand a chance!" You watch Tanaka walk off with a small smile.

"Y'know Y/N," You jump hearing Daichi's voice, not aware he'd walked over. "I've seen you give almost everyone over here an encouraging word or two, it's nice to know even when your over there that your rooting for us."

You turn to look at Daichi with a sheepish smile "Well, what can I say, Karasuno is still my team no matter what side of the court i'm on."

The whistle blows for Daichi and Tooru to go over by the referee to see who's serving first and you bid Daichi goodbye. "I'll talk to you later Daichi, and good luck. Even though you guys don't need it."

Daichi gives you a smile in return and you can't help but feel comforted by it "We'll see you after the game Y/N, It'll be nice to have you back." As Daichi walks away you can't help the warmth that blooms in your chest.

"Senpai!" You turn to Hinata who's bounding over to you. "Everyone else got encouraging words, is it my turn now?" Hinata ask, eyes filling with stars.

You give a smile to the small volleyball enthusiast "Fly high Hinata, fly high."

Hinata gives you a wide smile and an enthusiastic nod before bounding off.

"And me senpai?" The stoic first year ask, a small blush on his face, embarrassed for asking.

A small smirk crawls on your face seeing him "Kageyama, I know you know this already but please don't let Tooru sucker you into loosing your composure."

Kageyama nods at you and gives a small word of thanks before walking away towards Hinata.

"Look at that, Seijoh's manager giving us crows advice."

"Tsukki~" You coo catching sight of the smirking Tsukishima. Seeing the pinch server a wide smile comes over your face "And Yamaguchi!"

Yamaguchi gives a small smile "Hey."

"Tsukki, i've already given you advice, so this isn't about you." You turn your attention to Yamaguchi "When serving make sure to take a deep breath. We've worked on serving so much while you were practicing and you've even gotten help from Shimada, you've got this!"

Yamaguchi nods at you in determination "Right!" You pat Yamaguchi's head before turning towards the Seijoh side when Hajime calls your name.

"Ah, gotta go. But good luck, I know you guys got this!"

You wave the two goodbye before walking over to Hajime. You and Hajime talk for a little about game plans and the like before he walks off to help Watari and you just check the water bottles.

"Y/N," You tilt your head towards Tooru who's walking up behind you from where he did the coin toss with Daichi, a single twitch in his eye giving away how irritated he is, "Karasuno sure is irritating me."

You fully turn to your brother "What happened? Daichi's not the type to try and irritate someone before a match, or ever really." Your eyebrows furrow thinking of what Daichi could have said.

"Oh, it's not that. It's Karasuno insisting on having you back as soon as they win." Tooru huffs in annoyance.

You can't help but laugh at your brothers annoyed figure "You can't be mad because two teams want me when not even your team own team wants you~"

Matsukawa and Hanamaki come from no where sandwiching you "It's true, we'd trade you to satan for a potato chip," Hanamaki grins teasingly at Tooru.

"But little Y/N here?" Matsukawa adds in, a shit eating grin on his face "We'd never do that to him. We love him too much~"

"See~ Your own team likes me more than you~" You tease Tooru.

Tooru only gives you a haughty grin, "That's fine because I know for a fact that iwa-chan wants me." At that Tooru turns and walks to Hajime as if proving a point.

Hajime on the other hand couldn't care less and slams a volleyball into Tooru's face while using Tooru's oh so affectionate nickname. "Goddamnit Shittykawa, we have a game!" You and the two third years exchange a glance before bursting into laughter.

Kunimi and Kindaichi watch their upperclassman blankly. "What the hell..." Kindaichi whispers.

Kunimi only sighs "I knew I shouldn't've have joined volleyball club."


Seijoh huddles around You, Irihata, and Mizoguchi, Irihata giving the team some words of encouragement, "This will be the third time our current team has fought Karasuno. Each time we go against them, Karasuno had surprised us." You can't but feel a small drop of pride fill your chest hearing that, it's Irihata's way of saying you keep giving Seijoh trouble. "I'm not sure things will go smoothly this time, either. But if you stay calm and fight back, victory will naturally come into sight." Faintly you hear the usual 'Karasuno Fight' being yelled "Go fight to the best of your abilities."

"Right!" The team choruses.

And then Tooru takes over, standing in front of you three to face the team "I don't want to say this, but Karasuno is a tough opponent."

"I'm surprised your being so honest." (Hanamaki)

"I definitely learned from last time." Tooru sighs "If we let out guard down, they'll devour us." You can't see him but you can tell all the mirth that Tooru had a little while ago is gone, now all he has is determination. Determination to beat Karasuno, and win. "Let's rip them up from the get-go."

"Alright!" The team yells their agreeance, and you with hold a shutter, this would be a tense match.

A visage of Mirth comes over Tooru as he let's a small smile come over his face, shaking his hands to ready them you suppose "All right, then today, once again..." Tooru turns his head, eyes conveying how serious he is, "I trust--"

"We trust you, Captain!" The other third year chorus.

Tooru stops walking, visibly surprised and turns to the three of them, absolutely gobsmacked. The rest of the team is surprised too, but not to Tooru's extent. Tooru recovers and laughs through his nose. "You're going to make me blush--"

Tooru is cut off when Hajime walks towards him, a hand resting on his shoulder "We believe in your serves. If you miss, you owe us ramen, Y/N included." Hajime then walks off to take his place on the court.

Hanamaki follows suit "I'll take mine with extra roasted pork slices."

Matsukawa after him "I'll add a side of pot stickers to that."

"No serves that just happen to get over the net" Hajime adds on.

You stifle a snicker "I'd like some seaweed in mine please!" You call out to your brother.

"Come on, first years, second years, you guys can request, too." Matsukawa tells the rest of team. You can't help but laugh as the rest of the team go's ahead and orders too.

A/N: Happy Native American heritage day (November 27)!!
And remember FUCK christopher columbass's bitch ass

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