Chapter 9

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Jungkook pov

I woke up with the sun beaming though the blinds. I go to move and turn over but realized the sweet little angel I am holding im my arms. I don't want to wake him so I move ever so slightly to get out of his hold.

I get out the bed and headed down stairs not caring if I am naked.

Jimin pov

I woke up to coldness and epmtyness beside me. I move around my arms to try and find Jungkook, when I feel he is not there I shot my eyes open. My eyes starts to burn and gets blurry thinking about him leaving me.

I started to cry thinking about him using me for his needs and desire's and just throw me away like trash after. I know it sounds crazy because I am in his house and he just leave me. But my mind thinks thing's because I am really insecure.

The door opened slowly revealing a eye, then the door fully opened when Jungkook seen me crying. "Oh baby what happened?"

He went up to me and I just sodded harder for believing that insecurity I have in my head. He hugged me close to his bare chest and I hugged back not ever wanting to let go.

He stared rocking me and whispering sweet things in my ear to help me calm me down. When I finally calmed down he pulled away enough to see my puffy red eyes.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked with concern in his eyes. I shake my head and put my face into his bare chest "It is embarrassing." I mumbled into his chest. We stayed like that for awhile until I feel like I have to pee.

"Umm I have to use to bathroom." He pulled away and nodded his head. I go to stand up but wince at the pain, a flashback of what happened last night went though my head.

I look down to see I am naked a deep shade of red crept it's way on my cheeks all the way to my ears. I heard snickering coming from behind me I turn around to see a naked Jungkook laughing at me.

"What?!?" He looked me up and down "Did I go to hard on you baby?" He had a teasing smirk on his face. I pointed at him "Yes you did." Then I crossed my arms over my chest "How do you expect me to walk!".

"You asked for it." His smirk turned into a devilish smirk like he was planning something. "Ahh~~ DADDY right THERE~ right there mm~" He copied what I said last night. "OMG STOP~" I whined and stomped my feet on the ground then winced feeling pain.

"Mm~ d-daddy faster~~-" I couldn't take no more of the teasing so I ran into the bathroom and locked it. Forgetting about the pain that I have, that is going to hurt later.

I did my business in the bathroom and looked for a new toothbrush, but there wasn't any to I just used Jungkook's. What I kissed him before so I might as while use the same toothbrush like it is the same.

I got out the bathroom and went to his closet to get something to wear. I got out one of his black hoodies, I got my underwear and put then both on before I go out the room.

I went out the room to smell some food coming from downstairs. I limped down stairs to see Jungkook cooking in the kitchen.

I went behind him and back hugged him and rested my head on his back because of the height difference. "What are you making?" I mumbled with a squished face.

"Some breakfast....duh." I let go of him and slapped his back. "What for BREAKFAST?" I stand on my tippy toes to try and look over his shoulder. He was making some pancakes.

"That was all you had to say." I then limped out the kitchen to the living room to watch spongebob. I sat down on the couch and took the remote to turn spongebob on.

I remembered that i didn't tell my mom that I wasn't coming home. She must had been worried.

I grabbed my phone that was in the hoodie pocket to text her. I opened the phone to see 8 miss calls from her and 13 text messages from her. I pressed on her contact name to call her.

On call


"Yeah mom it is me."

"Omo baby I thought something happened to you! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME HOME LAST NIGH!?"

"I...Uumm....It was late when me and Jun- Mr. Jeon got done working out and I thought you was sleeping and I didn't have my key to get into the house. So Mr. Jeon let me crash at his place....."

"Oh ok at least I know you were safe, by the way when you come back home I won't be there I have a business trip."

"Oh ok mom.......OH email my principal that you won't be able to sign my permission slip to on a trip so you have to tell her to let me go...PLEASE~"

"Ok I will, Chimmy I have to go now I love you and come home safe."

"Ok mom and love you two."

End of phone call

I place my phone down and felt strong muscular arms around my shoulders hugging me.

"What did she want?" Jungkook asked in a sweet voice "ah she wanted to know where I was because she was worried and told me she won't be home when I get home because she had a business trip."

He nodded his head and went back to the kitchen the finish up breakfast. I watched spongebob for a while until I hear Jungkook yell from the kitchen.

I stood up wincing at the pain in my butt. "I'm coming" with that I limped my way to the kitchen holding onto the walls so I won't collapse and fall.

"Jimin-shii you ok?" Jungkook help me get to the table and I just simply nodded my head. I blushed a little seeing he is still naked. "No clothes?" He let out a small chuckle "no because I know you like this better." He then winked at me making me blush harder.

He let me go so he can go get our plates and place them on the table, and we ate. Oh my Namjesus his cooking is AMAZING!!

I basically stuffed my mouth with the food. "Baby slow down your going to choke." Jungkook chuckled. We finished our food and Jungkook was about to pick up our plates to wash them until I grabbed his wrist. "No, no I will wash them since you made the food just go shower I'll be there in a minute." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He kissed my temple then cheek and soon disappeared out the diningroon, I grabbed the plates and brought them to the kitchen to wash. It was only a little dishes to wash so it will be quick.

I finshed and put them in the dish washer to let them dry. I limped my way up stairs holding onto the railing of the stairs. I made it to Jungkook's room hearing the shower running.

I went inside the bedroom decided to go shower with him. I quietly opened the door to the bathroom to see Jungkook already inside the shower.

It looked like he didn't know I was in here so I quietly took off his shirt I was wearing and placed it on the the floor and took of my underwear and placed it near his shirt. I tiptoed to the end pf the shower and quietly opended the end of the curtain to see his back towards me.

I stepped in making no noise and closed the curtain back. I wrapped my arms around him back hugging him making him jump a little. "You didn't tell me you was showering with me." Jungkook said in his sweetest voice.

"I didn't know ether." I giggled. He then turned around so he is facing me, he looked down at me because or the height difference. He chuckled then patted my head then moved so I will be under the water getting my hair wet.

He massaged my scalp making me close my eyes from how it felt. He cleaned my hair without my complaints he then leaned closer to my ear and whispered with a low voice.

"How bout a round two?"



A:N I hoped you liked this chapter sorry it took so long to  update a new chapter and don't forget to vote 😁

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