chapter 12

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(A/N: count on misspelled words)

Jimin pov

I wake up to the sun beaming through the halfway close certain I groan and roll around felling to lazy to get up. My phone rings making me groan even more rolling back around and with a heavy arm picking up my phone to answer it.

"Hey bub."

"Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"What are you talking about it is 2 something in the afternoon."

My eyes widened

"Wait did you just wake up."

"What no I know what time it was...i....i was just umm....playing with you to see what you would say."

"Mmm ok bub whatever you say I will let you wake up full now, bye~"

He hung up and I trow my phone beside me on the bed I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and trow my feet off the bed. I was to tired last night I totally forgot about packing. "UGHH".

I stabd up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine such as get in the shower, brush my hair and teeth, clean my face, and get dressed for the day. I walk out the bathroom all ready so I go to my closet to look for a suitcase to put my clothes in.

I didn't find one so I went down stairs to see if I can see one in the garage, i got to the garage closet and started digging for one. I went a little more into the closet and I finally found it.

Suddenly everything went black with a lond thud. -dang it- "OMO!! Freak freak freak." My stupid ass forgot to put something in front of the door now I am lock in. You probably wonder why and how but, there is only a door handle to the outside of the closet and no handle in the inside.

It is stupid why would someone do that?!?

But thank god I brought my phone, I pat around my black jogging pants to find the pocket I put it in. I got my phone out and turned on the flashlight so it won't be so dark. I go to messages and message Jungkook.



Whole dady🤤🖤: yes ?

Crazy Baby🐥💜: kina stuck in garage closet.....

Crazy Baby🐥💜: kinds*

Crazy Baby🐥💜: KINDA!!*

Whole dady🤤🖤: how tf did u get stuck in the fucking closet?!

Crazy Baby🐥💜: its a lond story just come by and get me out plsss?

Crazy Baby🐥💜: long!*

Whole dady🤤🖤: ok me coming now 😂

Crazy Baby🐥💜:not FUNNY
seen 2:38pm


Great first I wake up late second I get stuck in the closet and now I have to wait for Jungkook's slow ass. I keep my flash on but turn off my phone so the battery won't go down as quick than it already it because of the flash.

I sit my fat ass on a box that hold extra stuff like sheets, pillows, pillowcase, and more stuff like that. I look around into the dark blowing air into my cheeks. I sigh feeling board already.

Like 10 minutes later what felt like hours I herd the front door open, I sigh in relief and stand up from my sitting position and banged on the door so Jungkook would know which door I was in. I hear foot steps getting closer to the door and the door swing's open.

"Wow you really were stuck I thought you was just playing with me." He chuckles looking me up and down. I was wearing some black joggers and a black strapless crop top wothy cains on my pants and other accessory's.

"Well I wasn't now....move." I push him out the way and walk back up stairs with his following me like a lost puppy. "Why are you following me.....go make me some food or something." I say making him chuckle.

"Ok bub." He turns around and head back downstairs. I was just playing but I am hungry so I will let it slide for now. I opend my door to my room and went to my closet and start to pack for the week.

-This is going to be a long week. Most definitely that I won't be able to touch nor kiss Jungkook-

I sigh trying to close my suitcase that is filed with my clothes and necessities. I groan in annoyance because it is not closing. "Jungkook!!" Few seconds I heard footsteps getting closer to the door.

"What baby?" He stuck his coconut head though the door crack. "This freak'n thing won't freak'n..freak'n UGhh!! IT WON'T CLOSE." He chuckles at how trustrated (wink wonk) I was at the thing.

"Move." He pushes me out the way making me stumble a bit before I catch myself. "Rude." I whispered under my breath. "Ummm.....come, come sit maybe some heavy weight added to it I can close it."

'Did he- oh no he didn't this hoe'. "Bitch did you just call me fat?" I said with a 'are-you-serious' face. "No I didn't-" I cut him off "Hoe yes you did." He shook his head.

"No, did the word fat come out my mouth?" He defended himself and rolled his eyes. "Bitch you basically did, and don't roll you eyes at me. I will drag a hoe." He sighed. "Just come sit."

I cross my arms over my chest and huffed walking over to my luggage and sat on it. He finally got it closed and I jumped off. "Ok bitch wanna fight about it now?" I started to post up in a fighting position.

"No hoe-" He grabbed my waist and pulled me close so my hands rested on his chest. "-Now lets go eat before the food gets cold." I nodded and stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips.

I smiled running downstairs "Catch me if you can BITCH."


(A/N: hope yall enjoyed it, btw my map testing is finally over FINALLLLLYYYYYY. ok butttttttt yo bitch likes someone that doesn't know she is alive....well probably talked once but 😭 me need some love.)


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