Chapter 22

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Jimin pov

Its been a few weeks since me and Junkook made it to his home. I've been staying with him untill my mom gets back from a business trip.

Everything has been good but me ofc. I have been getting sick every morning but i feel perfectly fine!! Ughh.

Right now i was in the kitchen cooking lunch for me and Jungkook. Until i feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me making me jump.

"ah shiiii you scared the heck out of me." i was holding my chest feeling my heart rate slowly coming down from the fast beating.

"sorry baby just wanted to make sure your ok." he kissed me cheek placing his head on my shoulder. I nod "yes im ok other than you giving me a heart attac- whoa"

I stop middle in my sentence feeling lightheaded and soon everything went black.

Jungkook pov

Jimin goes limp in my embraced making me confused. "Jimin?" i shook him but no answer. "YAH JIMIN, GET UP." i pick him up getting a little scared.

I get my car keys and house keys closing and locking my doors. I put Jimin gently in my car and running around to start my car to drive to the hospital.

I arived at the hospital taking Jimin and running inside to get the doctors to get him. As they placed him and that little bed thingy going into into the emergency they stoped me telling me to wait in the waiting room.

I hesitated but went anyways.

10 minutes later

"Park Jimin parents?" I look up and running over to tue doctor "No but im his boyfriend." the doctor looked at me telling me to follow her.

As i follow her though the white hall ways stoping infront of a door. The doc pushed the door open and i see Jimin on the bed with widen eyes that gloss over.

I run over to him putting my hands on his cheeks making him look at me. "Baby what happened?" he shool his head pulling his head out my grip crying hard making me frown.

The door opened and a nurse can in with her clip board "Good new Mr. Park the baby is healthy and you are 3 weeks pregnant!" the docor smiled at us.

My eyes widen. 3 WEEKS PREGNANT!! No no no no im to young for this but i always wanted a baby and im more than happy having a family with him.

The doctor went out and i faced Jimin still shooked at the news. He looked so broken it broke my heart "P-please do-don't leave m-me." then again he broke down.

"I c-can get an ab-abortion! Please j-just don't l-leave me." he voice cracked looking at me begging me. I shook my head violently "No! No baby don't say that."

I brought him in my embrace as he physically relaxed but still crying his heart out. I rub his back waiting till he calms down to talk to him.

Once he calmed down i sat down beside him making him look at me. "Baby I'm not going to leave you. I'm with you no matter what you decide but please baby just think about keeping the baby

its you decision and i know we are still young but it will bring us closer together and i would rather have a family with you that anyone else. Your the one for me and one day i hope to marry you...and i know your my student but you won't when you graduate."

He smiles and cries im my chest. "I think.......i think i wanna keep the baby. I always wanted a baby and same for me i would love to have a family with you and become a Mr. Jeon." I smile and pick him up spinning him around screaming.

Gosh im so freak'n happy.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAD." with that i leaned up and kissed him deeply and he giggle into the kiss. "Fuck yeah, you going to be the best dad ever." i broke the kiss. "And your going to be the best appa ever." he giggled

"come on baby lets go home."

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