Part 16

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Jungkook sniffled, hugging his knees tighter to his chest.

Taehyung froze when he walked into the elder's room, not expecting to ever see him cry.

"Jungkookie?" He mumbled.

He didn't know how to comfort someone, so he wrapped his arms awkwardly around Jungkook's broad shoulders, patting his back.

Jungkook laughed brokenly at his attempt, before he sniffled once more, "T-Taehyungie?"

"Yeah Jungkookie?"

"I'm not w-worthless, or a screw up, am I?"

Taehyung frowned, moving to sit in front of Jungkook, "Of course not. Why would you ever ask that?"

"My parents told me that...that they wish I was different, and they regretted having me,"

Taehyung's right eyebrow twitched, but he said nothing.

He pushed Jungkook around until the elder's lap was free, and he sat himself in it, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"You're not worthless. Or a screw-up. And you're parents are dicks,"

Jungkook froze, not knowing what to do with his hands, which hung uselessly.

"Hug me dummy, even I know that it's polite to hug someone back,"

Jungkook smiled, "Thank you Taehyungie," His arms naturally found Taehyung's waist, pulling the smaller into his chest.

Even just Taehyung's presence made him feel better, brightened his mood.

"Jungkookie, thank you for being my friend," Taehyung muttered into his chest, "It means a lot,"

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah. Friend. Because that's exactly-nevermind,"

Taehyung's head tilted in confusion, "Do you not want to be my friend anymore?"

"Well. It's just," He sighed heavily, "I don't...want to be just your friend,"

"You aren't just my friend. You and Jiminie are my best friends! My only friends, and my best friends!"

"That's not what I mean Taehyungie. I want- nevermind. It doesn't matter what I want," Jungkook gently moved the younger off of his lap, helping him stand up, "I'll see you later? I have to go meet up girlfriend I guess? I don't know what to call her,"

Taehyung frowned, "Your whatfriend?"

"My parents are trying to tell me I have to marry this girl and I have to do all these things, I don't know. It's just not my choice,"

"What girl?"

"Um, I think her name was Lalisa Manoban or something,"

Taehyung's frown deepened, "Lisa? That's my friend's girlfriend. Does she know?"

"I really don't know Taehyung, but I have to go,"

"I'm coming with you,"


"Son, who is this?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I thought I was a disgrace, not your son,"

They had just arrived at some fancy resturant, one Taehyung was far from familiar or comfortable with. He was stuck to Jungkook's side like glue, clutching onto his coat.

At the table sat Jungkook's parents, Lisa, who's eyes were red and she sniffled occasionally, and her parents, who looked angry and bored.

"Lisa? Did you know?" Taehyung asked quietly, relaxing when Jungkook's arm slipped around his waist, feeling his discomfort.

Dream-Vminkook [Complete] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें