Part 4

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"You live here?" Jungkook asked, grimicing at the building.

"Yeah, got a problem with it?"

"Yes, many. For starters, what the fuck is that?" He asked, pointing to a broken window with something green snaking it's way out.

Taehyung snorted, "My neighbor likes gardening. Next issue?"

"Um, the front door to the lobby is gone,"

"Didn't have one when I moved in, next?"

"The whole building is covered in mold?"

"Yeah I got nothing for that. That's pretty gross, next?"

By now, they had reached Taehyung's door, a splintered, broken, unhinged piece of wood barely hanging on.

"Taehyung what the hell are doing, living here?"

"None of your motherfucking business. I live here. And I will continue living here until I can afford something better. Now you promised me you'd leave me alone, so leave me the fuck alone," Taehyung hissed, opening the door.

With a sheepish smile, Jungkook showed his crossed fingers, "Uh, about that,"

"You bitch!"


Taehyung let his forhead smack against the door, "What even is my life?"

"Dunno. So what's for dinner? Wait no, it's almost 4:30, breakfast?" Jungkook asked, barging into his house.

"I'm not eating. I have to go to work in 2 hours, so I'm going to sleep for 2 hours," Taehyung scoffed, trying to push the elder out.

It didn't work, and Jungkook smirked, "I'm all muscle, try me,"

"Bitch you saw what I did to those guys, let's go," Taehyung rolled his eyes, readying his hands.

"Woah princess! Calm down, I'm not trying to fight! I was merely pointing something out!" Jungkook defended, hands in the air. Of course he could fight if he wanted to, he and Jimin attended many martial arts classes together as kids, until the end of high school.

'Princess? The fuck?'

"Listen guy, can you just please leave? I need to sleep, and then I need to go back to work,"

Jungkook pursed his lips in thought, "How about, you go sleep, and I wait here until you wake up so I can make you food?"

Taehyung frowned, "Why would you do that?"

"Because I want to,"

"Well you can't, I don't have any food in the house," Taehyung mumbled, taking the three steps it took to get to his bedroom door, "But make yourself at home, rob me, I don't care. Not like I have anything worth taking,"

"Wait!" Jungkook yelled, "You have work at what time?"

"7:30, but I have to get up at 6 so I can shower, and it takes an hour to get there if Yoongi isn't taking me, which he isn't today"

"Okay, sleep well!" Jungkook waved, earning a sarcastic wave back.

Once the door was closed and he heard a gently thump, he whipped out his phone.

"Jimin? Hey, yeah sorry for waking you. Can you go buy all the things I text you? And bring them to the address I'm sending you? Please, I'll explain when you get here,"


Less than a half an hour later, at 5 in the morning, Jimin walked in the room with hands full of groceries and an unpleased scowl on his lips.

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