Part 6

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"What time is it now?"

"9:15," Jennie answered, wiping the host station. "If you ask me one more time, I will kill you,"

"They've been here for hours. They stayed after Jin and Yoongi left!" He whined.

"Go talk to them, maybe they'll leave then,"

"No, I don't wanna,"

"Such a baby," She muttered before shoving him in the direction of their table. "They're the only customers right now. Sit and talk,"

He huffed, barely catching himself before he fell on his face. He sat down with a irratated frown on his lips. "So why are you guys still here?"

Jimin looked up from his phone, startled. "Hi! Um, we're taking you wherever you need to go next,"

"And you decided this without me because....?" Taehyung questioned, placing his chin on his palm.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Because you would say no if we let you have a choice. So once you're done here, we'll take you home,"

"I'm not going home,"

Jimin looked at him questioningly, "Then where are you going?"

"None of your concern. Thank you for the offer, but I can walk. I need the excercise," He began to get up, but was stopped by Jimin's hand on his thigh.

"Taehyung, please. We just want to help,"

"There is no need," He said, brushing the hand off. "I appreciate your offer, and I will hang out with you as thanks like I promised, eventually, but I'm good for now,"

They looked a little disheartened, but nodded. "We'll get going now! Thank you very much Taehyung!" Jimin smiled.

As he went to grab the last plates off of the table, he noticed the tip they left, and blinked.


"You alright?" Jennie asked, noticing his mouth open.

"They left me $125. As a tip. What the fuck?"

"Just take it, maybe you'll get that jackass off your back about rent," She suggested.

"Maybe," He mumbled, lost in thought.


He almost cried in joy when the clock finally struck 11:40. He raced out of the door with nothing more than a quick 'Bye bitch' to Jennie, and a secret middle finger to his boss, who only came out to yell at him.

Taehyung almost skipped across the street before remembering he hated working at that stupid cafe, and slowed down to a lazy walk. He had time, he didn't have to be there for almost an hour.

He stuffed his hands in his sweatshirt pockets, back hunched slightly as he chewed on his lip. A habit of his when he was anxious or even sad. People stared at him as he walked, some whistling and even winking at him.

He ignored them as usual, glaring and rolling his eyes. With his hood pulled up again, he resumed his walk, taking the long way, very slowly.

When he finally reached the cafe, 10 minutes early somehow, there was a line of people outside, and he had to push through the crowd to even reach the door.

People gave him dirty looks as entered, and he didn't know why until he heard someone yell, "Taehyung!" from over his shoulder at one of the tables.

He ignored the voice and slid behind the counter, plastering a fake, but still beautiful smile on his face.


"Hello Hoseok," He muttered, smile dropping. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, uh. I just wanted to say hi! Namjoon and I already ordered but I saw you come in and thought it would be nice t-"

"If you aren't ordering, I can't let you stay in line," He sighed, "There are a lot of people waiting to order,"

"Okay! Well, it was nice seeing you! We should all get together soon!" Hoseok smiled, heading back to his and Namjoon's table.

Taehyung scoffed, "No thanks," He mumbled to himself.

He turned to the next customer, fake smile on his face once again, and started his job.

It wasn't long before his shoulders started drooping, and his eyes started hurting, the dull ache in the back of his head making itself present.

He just wanted to go home.


im so fucking sick of my parents and brother telling me im not eating, because i am eating. just because they stopped paying attention to me doesnt mean im not eating. i fucking know im eating, and theyre trying to tell me that because theyre ignoring me, im not eating

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