Part 26

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Jin was, by no means, a skilled fighter.

Not to say he was weak, no. He was one of the strongest people Taehyung knew, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

But he had no experience in actual fights, unlike Taehyung and Yoongi.

Which is why Taehyung is so incredibly suprised that Jin was doing so well.

Taehyung himself would love to go try to help Jin, but the pounding in his head and the weakness in his legs prevented him from even getting up from the ground. The world spun slightly, and he was sure he'd given himself a fucking concussion.

He let out a weak, strangled noise when he saw 3 Jin's get kneed in the gut, all 3 falling down. Wait, no. Now there were 4. Nope, there was only one.

He really didn't remember what happened after that, he only vaguely registered Jin grabbing a brick and smashing the guy over the head. But he did remember Jin shaking him gently, with something akin to worry flashing over his face.

"Jinnie," Taehyung muttered, as Jin hauled him over his shoulder, "Tired."

"I know baby, I know. We're gonna get you home okay? Jiminie is very worried."

And the next thing he knew, he was awake with a pounding headache, the light drained from the sky and a worried Jimin was next to him.

~~~~ yeah n then the next part was the beginning of last chapter. idk if that makes sense or not but theyres a baby screaming like 20 feet from me so idrc. this is after that part

"Did...did Kookie even notice?" Taehyung asked quietly, head still aching. He was still in Jimin's lap, enjoying the warmth and comfort Jimin provided.

"That you were gone?" Jimin hesitated, "Well....not exactly."

Taehyung managed a quiet oh past the lump in his throat, and bit into his bottom lip harshly to stop himself from crying again.

"He hasn't been back downstairs at all though, so I mean....he couldn't have known," Jimin didn't want to defend Jungkook, because the younger had completely over-reacted, considering Taehyung didn't break his controller purposefully. But by defending him, saying he couldn't have known, would make Taehyung a little less sad about it.

"It's okay," Taehyung said quietly, "I know he's just mad. I-"

"If you're about to say that it's your fault, then I advise you to close your mouth right now."

Taehyung pouted, but it was ineffective because Jimin couldn't see him.

"Wanna go see Jinnie tomorrow?"

He nodded excitedly, he had only gotten to talk to the elder on the phone, too tired and drained himself to go see his brother. Jin was to be kept overnight and into the next day, something about bruised ribs and almost punctured lungs.

Taehyung had almost had a panic attack from the words alone, fearing his Hyung wouldn't make it and not only would he never get to cuddle his brother again, but it would be his fault.

"Please," He muttered quietly.

"Why are you going to see Jin Hyung?"

Taehyung's eyes filled back with tears, but he didn't respond. He sniffled, alarming Jimin and making him press kisses to the top of the younger's head.

"What happened to your wrists?"

Oh, the bruises. Nothing he couldn't handle, he's had much, much worse. Sure, they ached a little, but that was nothing compared to his head.

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