Part 24

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"Hyungie," Taehyung muttered.

Yoongi's head snapped to the door, and he smiled shakily, "Sorry Hobi. Um. Yeah. Sleep well, love you too."

He put the phone down on the bed before clearing his throat, shifting to face the door.

"What's up Taehyungie? Can't sleep?"

"Hyungie don't hide stuff from me, please," Taehyung's voice shook, and he took a small step towards the elder.

Yoongi looked away from him and towards the window, "I don't hide anything from you. I couldn't."

The younger stood in front of Yoongi with his hands on his hips, and it made Yoongi smile a bit.

"Hyung what's going on?"

He sighed, "I'm gonna move in with Hoseok soon. You knew that. But I'm thinking I might move in just a bit sooner-"



Taehyung backed away, lips wobbling, "Yoongi why didn't you tell me? I- I would've-"

Yoongi drew in a sharp breath, he was never just 'Yoongi' to the younger. Not when they were directly talking. It was 'Hyungie' or 'Yoonie'.

"I'm not goind far, Hoseok's house is only like 20 minutes away."

But that did nothing but make Taehyung cry more, because 20 minutes was a long time. To go visit his Hyung, that was far too much time. Sure, it wasn't like he was moving to a different country, but it was sudden and Taehyung wanted to punch his stupid Hyung in the face.

"I want to punch you in your stupid face," He sobbed.

Yoongi smiled sadly, "I know. I don't need me. That's why I stayed remember? You had just gotten out of the hospital and I only stayed because I knew you needed someone you trusted. This has actually been in the works for a while. A lot of my stuff is already over there, from me staying over."

Taehyung sniffled, feeling pathetic for crying, sobbing, over something as miniscule over his best friend moving. "Y-you have been staying there a l-lot."

"I know. It just makes me a little sad, when I'm here. Because you don't need me, you have Jungkook and Jimin who take such great care of you, not that you couldn't take care of yourself...but you can't, you kind of suck at household things,"

He narrowly dodged Taehyung's fist when the younger lundged forward, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulling him down onto the bed. He brought Taehyung's head to his chest, and listened to the small sniffles and hiccups that occasionally crept past his lips.

"Y-you're so mean," Taehyung dug his nose into Yoongi's shirt, "And s-selfish, a liar and you kept it from me and I-"

"I know baby," Yoongi muttered, "I'm a bit of a dick."

"Y-yeah," Taehyung said, equally as quiet, "But that's okay. Because you're also selfless and amazing and I love you a lot."

Yoongi released a breath he didn't know he was holding, thankful Taehyung wasn't really that angry with him.

"I love you too kid."


Jimin's mouth was agape, "B-but Hyung. Bills?"

Yoongi laughed, "You'll figure it out. Ask Taehyung, he's paid more bills than you have."

"Jimin's never paid any bills," Jungkook reminded them with a smirk.

Jimin smacked him, "Yah! You fucking brat-"

While they bickered senselessly, Taehyung sat on the stairs with his head on his palms, staring at the pavement. He was sad, sue him.

It was a little cold, the clouds were dark grey and it was windy, meaning it was to rain soon. It was fitting.

Yoongi noticed his absense, knowing he would usually be either laughing at the two's bickering or playfully joining. So, he took a seat directly next to Taehyung, and pulled until the younger's head rested on his shoulder.

"You know you can see me whenever," Yoongi murmered.

"With what car? And liscence? Dumbass," Taehyung muttered back.

"Get Jimin to drive you."

"Funny joke Hyung, I like my life, believe it or not,"

Yoongi grinned, and then it was quiet.

One of the reasons they got along so well. While Taehyung could be loud, obnoxious, and even quite annoying, he enjoyed peace and quiet and longed for moments of silence every once in a while. He liked slow songs, but he could dance to whatever beat was playing. Just like Yoongi.

But they also were different, extrordinarily so, and it evened them out. While they both liked quiet, Taehyung had to learn to adapt to Yoongi's strictness. Yoongi, though he had a soft spot, did not mess around when it came to anything he found serious. Whether it be a job, his health, anything remotely like that. Usually Taehyung would laugh it off. He couldn't with Yoongi.

He silently thought, about what his life would be like without Yoongi and Jin.

Though he spent a significant amount more time with Yoongi, that didn't mean he didn't love Jin just as much.

That side of him that was loud and obnoxious, that was the side of him that got along with Jin. The side that made silly puns and threw flour at his Hyung just because he knew he wouldn't be reprimanded. Jin wasn't nearly as serious as Yoongi, though it wasn't to say that he was never serious. He just preferred to deal with Taehyung and his stupidity by refusing to cook, or to give him cuddles, rather than try to teach him life lessons.

(a/n: m curious. how would you guys feel about a TaegixTaejin story?)

"You know we love you," Yoongi kissed his forehead, "And we'll never leave you. Jin Hyung and I.....we aren't letting all of our hard work and money go to waste."

Taehyung smacked him, though it's impact was dulled by the bright smile that lit up his face. It made Yoongi happy.

What made him even happier, was when Jimin came over and tossed the youngest over his shoulder while they both giggled, and Taehyung was brought over to Jungkook, who teasingly kissed all over his face, avoiding his lips.

They were cute, and as long as Taehyung was happy and safe, did anything else really matter?


1021 wordsss

am dying inside rn loll

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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