Part 1

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"You have no choice Jungkook! You're taking over the business whether you like it or not! Stop with that stupid photography shit, it'll get you nowhere in life!" His father yelled, ripping the camera out of his hands. His mother stood behind the older man, arms crossed with a scowl on her face.

"He's right Jungkook. This silly little dream of yours is going to stay a dream," She said, coming up to stand besides his father.

"I fucking hate you guys," Jungkook spit, storming out of the house, without his camera. He wasn't going to get it back, his father was never going to give it back.


"Good job Jimin!" His teacher praised, clapping his hands.

"Thanks," Jimin smiled, grabbing his water bottle. He was sweaty and tired, as he always was at the end of dance class.

He was happy, he was doing well. Except for the fact that he no longer had the money for college.

Unlike some lucky people in the world, Jimin did not have parents who paid for any part of his college. His mother tried, but he refused, knowing she was already struggling with paying her rent. He also didn't have a scholarship, not having excelled in academics or tried at all in high school, which he now severely regretted.

Jimin didn't know how much longer he had in his dream college, but he was going to make the most out of it.


Taehyung smiled fakely at the last customer, leaning over to clean the counter. He was at his 3rd job, the last one today before he could finally go home and rest. It was around 2 in the morning, he was ushering the last of the drunk people out of the bar.

He leaned against the now clean bar, releasing a tired sigh.

"Want me to take you home cutie?" His boss asked, grinning at him.

"No thanks sir, my best friend's picking me up," Taehyung refused politely, texting Yoongi.

"Maybe next time then," His boss walked out, leaving Taehyung to close up.

He waited on the sidewalk for Yoongi to pull up, hood up and hands in his pockets. He didn't feel like getting harrassed again tonight.

"You know kid, you could just come work with me and Jin, we'll pay you as much as you need to quit all of your other jobs," Yoongi offered, worried about the kid he considered his younger brother.

"I'm fine Hyung, I'm not even qualified to work with you, I'm not going to take a job someone could need a lot more than me,"

That's how his days usually went, trying to convince his hyungs that he was okay, that was content with his life.


"Hey Joonie?" Jin asked when they were making dinner on a Friday night. Well, Jin was making dinner. Namjoon was watching, not touching anything.


"We should have a movie night, all of our friends. You can finally meet Taehyung!" He suggested.

"Alright, when were you thinking?"

"Tonight! I'll invite Yoongi and Taehyung, you invite whoever you want!"

"Alright, but be prepared for insanity,"

Namjoon ended up inviting Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin, while Jin somehow convince Taehyung to come with Yoongi.

They ate quickly, wanting to get everything set up as quick as possible. It only took them 20 minutes to get snacks, blankets, everything one could ever need for the best movie night ever.

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