Part 8

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Breathing heavily and heart elevated, Jin came crashing into the room, face pale.

"Is he okay?" He asked, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

Yoongi stared at him in confusion, "Did you run here? Bitch you have a car,"

"Shut the fuck up," Jin snarled, "Is he okay?"

The younger sighed, "He's.....he's not okay. But he's here, and he's alive. That's more than I could ask for,"

Jin let himself fall next to Yoongi on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

They were quiet, Jin not having the courage to ask, and Yoongi not willing to tell.

Yoongi eventually fell asleep, eyes heavy and hurting, puffy from crying. Jin smiled, a wobbly, half-assed smile. He dragged Yoongi onto one of the crappy, metal chairs, as it was better than the cold, disgusting floor, and let his head rest on the only guest pillow in the room.

He sat in the chair next to Yoongi, head against the wall. He couldn't look over. He couldn't bring himself to look. Not again.

"Hyung?" A tired voice croaked.

Jin sighed, "Yeah Yoongi?" Should've known he wasn't really sleeping.

"I just don't get it,"

"Get what?"

Yoongi opened one teary eye to look at Jin, "Why?"

"I don't know,"

Yoongi sniffled, looking away so Jin didn't see his tears. "I'm glad you weren't there," He whispered. "I don't think you could've managed,"

Jin scoffed weakly, nudging the younger's shoulder lightly, "You calling me weak, punk?"

"Yes, very much so,"

The blonde stuck out his tongue, making Yoongi huff.

Holding his breath, Jin finally looked at the hospital bed, where Taehyung laid, fast asleep. A couple of machines surrounded him, steady beeps being the only comfort provided.

"Do you know why?" Jin asked quietly, eyes never leaving Taehyung's bruised face.

"I went..I went to pick him up from work, his boss said he could leave earlier," Yoongi began.

"Really? I always hated that prick," Jin commented, the younger agreeing with a nod.

"I pulled up to the bar like usual, but Tae wasn't there. He's only ever late when something happens, so I got out of my car-"

"Did you bring your knife?"

Yoongi sighed, "No Hyung, I did not bring my knife,"


Ignoring the taller, Yoongi continued, "I got out of the car and walked to the alley next to the bar. You know the one where that stray cat attacked you? Yeah that one. And Taehyung-"

He stopped, took a deep breath, and looked down at his purple hands, "There were like 10 guys. And Tae is tough, he can fight, but they were part of a gang I guess. Somehow the owner of the bar pissed them off and they couldn't get to that prick, so they went after Tae. By the time the cops got there, I was half dead and Tae...."

The blonde hugged Yoongi. "Thank you for beating the shit out of them,"

Yoongi attempted to laugh, but it came out as a cough, his bruised throat laced with fingerprints. "I got the shit kicked out of me, the fuck do you mean?"

"How many did you take out?"

"Well, Tae had already beat the shit out of 3, I got to 4 I think,"

"That's 4 less guys who beat our Taebaby, so thank you,"

Yoongi reached to scratch his stitches, earning a smack on the top if his head. He frowned, sulking in his chair. "Meanie,"

"So what are you going to tell the little demons? We're taking turns watching Tae, you aren't going to be home for a while. How are you sure they won't burn the house down?"

He groaned, hands covering his face, "Oh fuck, my house," He whined, "It's gonna go down, I just know it. Those gremlins will be the death of me,"

Supressing a chuckle, Jin patted Yoongi's back in comfort, "I can go stay with them while you watch Tae? Oh shit then what do I do with Namjoon?"

"We're so scre-"

Jennie burst into the hospital room, hair messed up and eyes wild, "Is he okay? Where is he? Is that him? What happened? Yoongi I swear- tell me everything!"

Lisa walked in behind her, hands in her pockets. She seemed calm and collected, but everyone could see she was worried too. "Jennie calm down, I'm sure he's fine. They would be sobbing like babies otherwise,"

"He's alive," Yoongi answered.

Jennie placed her head on the wall, "That's more than we could ever ask for,"

Yoongi stood up, slowly opening his arms. Jennie rolled her eyes but pulled Lisa and Jin in for a hug, crying into Yoongi's shirt.

"You bitch this is a new shirt," Yoongi hissed.

"You dick, I'm obviously in distress, you can't call me names,"



"Candy stealing shit eater,"

"Hashbrown snow packer,"

"Princess fucking rock flipper,"

(A/N: if you know where those r from, tell me. i will give you my endless love. not that you would necessarily want that, but still. tell me)

"You guys are too fucking loud," Taehyung groaned, holding his head. He sat up quickly, throwing off the wires connected to his body.

"You dumb bitch! Get back in bed!" Jennie yelled.

"'You dumb bitch!' Fuck you," Taehyung mocked, holding in a wince when he stood up.

She scoffed, crossing her arms, "What was that? I'm sorry, who's going to have to cover for you tomorrow at work?"

"No one, I'm going,"

Instantly, 4 voices shouted at him, objecting.

"Uhm, shut the fuck up," He rolled his eyes, "I'm alive. And I'm not broken. So I'm going to go earn my paycheck and make sure I can pay my rent this month,"

Jin's eyes softened, "Bear, you're going to stay with me for a little bit, how does that sound?"

"Sounds like a bad idea,"

The eldest's eyes flashed with hurt, something Taehyung caught.

"Not like that, I just mean I would feel terrible," He explained, giving Yoongi a soft nod in thanks when he offered his shoulder to lean on.

"I don't give a shit. I would feel terrible if I left you in that shitty ass place, but if you stayed with me, I'd feel better,"

"But what about Namjoon Hyung? I would feel awful if I was disturbing him. And also? I'm an adult, you can't tell me what to do," Taehyung argued, swearing in his head when Yoongi tensed besides him.

"An adult?" Jin repeated quietly, "You are 19 fucking years old. You are most certainly not an adult. You're a fucking teenager,"

"Um, no I'm not,"

"Nine-TEEN dumbass, a fucking teenager. A stupid, immature, self-absorbed teenager, who is too goddamn stubborn to see that he's hurting the people who love him," Jin's voice cracked, and he stole a look at Yoongi, who was staring blankly at the wall.

"Hyung-" Taehyung started.

Jin held up a hand, "No Taehyung, just stop. You have a place at my house if you need it, but other than that, please leave me alone for a little bit,"

He stepped out of the room, leaving Taehyung with tears welled up in his eyes.


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